Sometimes we need to start a docker container in an interactive shell for testing purposes , and during the process you might wrote some application code , downloaded some big chunks of files, or configured the environment according to your use-cases , but starting the container interactively will make it destroyed once an interrupt is done ( 0 or -1 ) .
docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/work,target=/work -p 8888:8888 opencvcourses/opencv:440
starts an interactive shell. This switch is always needed to start the container. Otherwise, it will start and stop instantly.
specifies to kill the container after it is exited.
creates persistent storage to save all the work. Read more about it here.
is used to expose a container's port to the host.
Note: Run this command in the parent directory of work folder
you can save the state by commiting the changes to the pulled image.
$ docker ps
$ docker commit <container_id> repo/testimage:version3
While this will work, this approach is considered poor practice by the Docker community. Best way to go is using a Dockerfile.
Yeah, I think that's the right way for production for sure. But many of us are just using docker locally as a slimmed down version of virtualbox, and just want the damn state saved, exactly as it is. And don't want extra volumes on our local drives either
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