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What Did You Learn This Week --May 22?

Waylon Walker on May 22, 2020

ogrotten profile image

I learned . . .

. . . that my approach to job hunting was _seriously _out of date.

My resume was black text on a white page. Simple, readible, printable, but it was almost 4 pages long. When the job coach told me to change the full links to clickable, I looked at her like she was crazy.

Later that day I came to realize that not only was she to old to understand why i had it that way to begin with, but I was too old to understand a very simple thing about the differences in job hunting between 2000 and 2020...

And that simple thing is that the resume is no longer the single point of presence when you submit it for an opening.

The resume is merely the introduction, the foreword, the book jacket, relative to the candidate.

My resume seriously had bullets and paragraphs that were written on Windows 98 Wordpad. It was designed in an age when I expected to go into an interview where the interviewer would open an envelope, pull out a copy of my resume and a legal pad to take notes on.

Nobody is doing that anymore.

These days, the interviewer is coming in with a laptop, they're going to dbl click the resume that's attached to the online application that you filled out on their website, and they're going to login to the personnel management interface and type in notes while you talk.

As a dev especially, there's no reason for your resume/cv to be more than a page. Nobody is going to look further than that on a resume, but they will scan your LinkedIn, Github, and personal portfolio site.

So this realization had a number of downline effects. For example, there was a thread in my school "photo shouldn't be on the resume because it could invite bias." Ok, well, the link to 3 sites I mention above is right there on your resume. Seeing your pic is literally a single click away.

I dunno, man. . . it's a whole new world out there job hunting. I may have knowledge for the position I'm looking for, but I may be "too old" in more ways than meets the eye.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Not all that long ago I was handed a stack of resumes printed out, and asked to pick the top ones in a semi short timespan. In my opinion you need something that tells me you want to work where you are applying and you have the skills to do so. Not a list of skills but examples of how you have use them to create things that came from your own mind

ogrotten profile image

I'm just now seeing this reply, and it jives with what I've heard the last month or so: first impression needs to be made quickly. While that's advice that goes waaay back for me, it's the methods of making that impression that have been completely replaced.

The best part is: click the github link up next to my nick above my post.

Like my avatar? 🤣

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

SQLite trigger. Mostly for ON UPDATE, actually.

      AFTER UPDATE ON deck
        OLD.date_created <> NEW.date_created
      UPDATE deck
      SET date_updated = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now')
      WHERE [uid] = NEW.uid;

Also, better SQLite CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, to be inline with JavaScript's new Date().toISOString().

date_created  TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now')),
waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I have never created a TRIGGER ini SQL

matteobruni profile image
Matteo Bruni

This week I learned how to create an Angular component and it has been really fun. After learning something about React, Preact and Vue now I know something about Angular too.
It's something, now tsParticles can be easily used in all this frameworks!

I tried Deno too but I need to be more focused, maybe next week.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is pretty cool to have enough familiarity to be able to create a cross framework component!

Deno will be there tomorrow, no need to rush. tsParticles seems way cooler.

mainitarun7 profile image

I learned how to publish a chome extension at chrome web store while creating an utility to let users aware with notifications as soon as out-of-stock/undeliverable product is available back to purchase at few e-commerce stores

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is a nice marketing page!

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

This week I actually launched my newsletter, like actually send something out to the whole list. I learned a lot about newsletters and getting them going isn't quite as trivial as I had thought. From the suggestion of @chrisachard I started off with emailoctopus. It seemed like the easiest way to get things off the ground for free.

Chris runs a service that I signed up for. If you want help trying to build your product/brand in any way check it out. It helped me get going.

You can sign up here

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

I learned how to optimize my code well

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Great skills to have ⚡

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal


mojemoron profile image
Micheal Ojemoron

deploying a bot to AWS Lambda,

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Serverless Power!

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

How much I'd underestimated how much I hated Linux graphical desktop solutions. In my defense, XRDP is pretty primitive.