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Cover image for 🤓 What's on your GitHub Profile README
Waylon Walker
Waylon Walker

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

🤓 What's on your GitHub Profile README

The GitHub profile feature just went live for a subset of users. Simply creating a repo named after your username, and clicking share to Profile on the sidebar will create a custom profile that shows up just above your pinned projects.

I am still trying to figure out what to put on mine, but this is what I have so far. I feel like mine is a bit big at the moment, I don't like that my pinned repos end up blow the fold.

my github profile


I tightened mine up and took inspiration from a few others.

Alt Text

updated again

Updated with a list of latest Twitter followers, using GitHub actions.

waylonwalkers GitHub profile

Share a screenshot and link of yours below 👇

Top comments (159)

ari_hacks profile image
Ari 🪐

Cool feature!

My Profile 🙂

Alt text of image

abhiweb profile image
Kumar Abhishek

This is the coolest profile of the lot :)

alephalpha0 profile image

This definitely takes the cake for the most minimal and aesthetically pleasing profile README that I've come across so far. 👍🤤

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That Gif is sooo cool!✨ I want one now.

nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

I like this feature. I just created a basic one to test it out but will be adding more content soon. you can check it at @nombrekeff, I welcome any suggestion and advice :)

I just published a post asking for what people think about it, and what use will they be giving it. You can add your grain of sand if you'd like, I always enjoy hearing what people have to say about these new features.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I like how you have listed out things horizontally to save space, looks great!

nombrekeff profile image

Cheers, I discovered it on a project of mine and liked how it looked in contrast with tables, which look a bit to busy for me.

I also like the concept of having a branded banner at the top, as in yours.

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waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Agree tables can add a ton of clutter, and there isn't much benefit in keeping it in markdown as markdown tables aren't really much cleaner.

Thanks for the comment on min!

I just trimmed mine way down. You can see it live now, I will update the images later.

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nombrekeff profile image

It's looking great; I'll be getting some inspiration from it :)

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

Here is mine

coderjojo profile image

Amazing ✨
Please add your profile to Developer Profile so that others will get inspiration to create their own. 😃

nombrekeff profile image

Excellent stuff, thanks for sharing, I knew there were going to be quite creative ideas here!

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

I drew inspiration from and just mangled some code.

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nombrekeff profile image

It's nice that you give credit to him :) Both are quite cool! I might consider something similar.

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mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

A man should give credit where it's due.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is sooo cool

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego


anuraghazra profile image
Anurag Hazra

Here's mine

And recently I created this service to help everyone add stats to their readme 😄

Check out github-readme-stats
It has lots of features, including stats card, github extra pins, dark mode, animation etc etc

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is sooo cool. I love the animations when I go to the url.

I was so confused how this rendered as an image in a readme, but was fully highlightable and animated..... svg is amazing.

anuraghazra profile image
Anurag Hazra

Thanks! 😄 Yes github can actually render svg images in readme even with animations

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Here's mine @lauragift21 :)
github profile

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Love the centering

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Well designed and such a cool call to action!

mangamaui profile image

Thanks Waylon! Loving yours too btw 😊 ✨

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waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Thanks @mangamaui !

Your profile pic is super cool, Star Wars and Photography.

fsou1 profile image
Maxim Zhukov

It looks brilliant. I like how clean and accurate you've designed it. My absolute favorite!

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Well here it is

github profile

I didn't do anything fancy... cuz I'm not fancy lol. I like it though. Will be updating with more things as I go along and find some inspo 😛

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker • Edited

So many of us ended up here on an "accidental career path". I wouldn't have planned mine to end up here even just a few years ago. It's something that took me a long time to realize. Not everyone here was a 14-year-old programming genius or Comp Sci Superstar. Many of us are mid-career switchers who just like building cool things.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Hahaha I feel the "just a few years ago" too. I'm still figuring out my way between doing development and other non-techy things that I also enjoy. 😅

bdougieyo profile image
Brian Douglas

Hey, y'all - Sharing my MySpace page (waiting on those CSS templates).

It is also using GitHub Actions to power the Top8 in the developer.yaml. I will write a post on that soon.

profile screencap

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Thanks for sharing Brian. Honored to have you here in the comments. I like how you compare your profile readme to MySpace. I feel that the profile readme is the new myspace page. It gives you enough to hack on to be really fun and creative, but limits you in a lot of ways that your own website wouldn't. I also feel right now that there is a ton of sharing little snippets to get different layouts, or SSG from actions. The whole thing has kinda a MySpace feel.

brpaz profile image
Bruno Paz • Edited

Just finished mine.

Maybe a little too big, but I am generally happy about it. I think it describes me very well.

Maybe I can make the "What I do section" bullet points so it becomes smaller and with less text.

Will keep iterating on it and take inspiration on some great examples in the comment section.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is super detailed. 👍

brpaz profile image
Bruno Paz

Have done a couple of changes. Now it´s smaller and more focused. Less of a CV in some parts.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

I went Old Skool

Old Skool

Still a little bummed that couldn't do it as a .plan or similar.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I'm Curious... what is a .plan

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Back when most Unix systems were concurrently-multiuser and before fingerd was banned from most Unix systems as a security-risk, you could set up a few world-readable files in your world-readable home directory that the finger-daemon would read. Most of the common fingerd implementations would read your .plan and your .project files. Some even let you set up a "face" file (also usable by some mail systems). If someone fingered you, those files would be used to display additional information about you.

Further, the fingerd service would read additional elements from the GECOS field of your /etc/passwd entry:

  • Building and room number or contact person
  • Office telephone number
  • Home telephone number

Even to today, if you've got a personal UNIX system, you can add all of the above to your /etc/passwd file and home-directory ...just that, both due to common security settings and the fact that most UNIX systems are now single-user, nobody does any more.

Effectively, the whole GitHub profile is another example of "what's old is new, again".

It probably won't be long after corporate security groups become aware of the capability that employers that try to limit what employees put on LinkedIn will be adding personal GitHub README files to their social media policies.

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

Our github page screenshot

We've never tried to push markdown very far. Getting an image link to a video worked - but what other cools stuff can we put in there? Is there any way to embed canvas?

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Your mission statement is wicked cool 😎.

Not sure about canvas. Based on what I have seen on others, they take a gif and embed that in the readme. Gets rid of any interactive feature, but still give the ability to do some cool motion graphics.

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

Awe, you're sweet! It's real. ; )

Yeah - we checked out all the examples we could find that looked "animated" - and they were gifs.

If MD just spits out HTML, then it seems like you could somehow drop some JS/Vue in there - and make it interactive... or maybe just some SVG and complex hover logic. We will for sure check it out and play around. : )

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla) • Edited

Right now, mine is just the default readme of #ItsASine haha

I'm working on an about page for my personal site, so I might just use that copy when I'm done. That way it would further reinforce that real name is ItsASine since I don't cross those two.


I added a bunch of StarTrek, Chubber, and SwearTrek gifs because I think I'm clever:


My job

Bug report

Sprint metrics

End of the day


waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Great Idea to reuse your own about page. Makes things a bit more consistent as well.

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

Here is mine. I know its pretty long and it is a prototype. Any suggestions are welcome.


delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

It is much better and shortened now.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I like the shortened version, I'm going to use the Social section, and tables idea

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delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

Thanks! don't forget to credit me though ;p jk

kailyons profile image
Loralighte • Edited

Hey I am also a V programmer, dont do a lot with V rn, nor is anything on GitHub but I do work with (and sometimes on) V

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

I know you from the discord server!

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kailyons profile image

Oh cool! I left discord almost completely. I might come back to communities in the future if Discord choses to not such, but I am in the Telegram still.

ileriayo profile image
Ileriayo Adebiyi • Edited

🤓 @ileriayo


  • punitkmryh
waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Nice one @ileriayo .

If you are using this as a resume. I would suggest highlighting your top skills. The things that you most want to work with, or the things that you have the most experience with. Listing out a whole list of tech can make it seem like you don't have deep expertise in much. I do see that it shows how resourceful you are and that you are willing to learn what it takes to get the job done. I would suggest leaving 2-4 as badges and the rest can be in text format so that your top skills stand out a bit more.

ileriayo profile image
Ileriayo Adebiyi • Edited

Thanks for the feedback on my profile, Waylon. I've made the necessary adjustments highlighting my top skills. This is indeed my resume.

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waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker • Edited

👏 That looks much better and far more professional. I like how the badges highlight your top skills.

You have tailwind duplicated, you might want to take that out of the text.

I like the animation from your website you should re-use that to show off your animation skills. You can take this gif and pop it in the top of your readme if you want.

When I saved it I set it not to loop, you might have to click it to see the animation.

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ileriayo profile image
Ileriayo Adebiyi

Hey Waylon, you went out of your way to do this.
I'm so grateful. Thanks 🙏😭

wjimmycook profile image
Jimmy Cook

Here is my github
github profile

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That is a super cool gif

wjimmycook profile image
Jimmy Cook
