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Weavechain 🛡️
Weavechain 🛡️

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Navigating the Complexities of Web3 Raw Blockchain Development Essential Skills and Pain Points

We wrote this article on the difficulties & painpoints to become or work as a blockchain developer. Would love to know your thoughts!
Navigating the Complexities of Web3 Raw Blockchain Development Essential Skills and Pain Points


  • Essential skills for blockchain development include cryptography, programming languages, knowledge of the legal and regulatory environment, consensus algorithms, and security and cryptography skills.
  • Developers should understand peer-to-peer networks and the strengths and weaknesses of different P2P networks.
  • Common pain points in blockchain development include interacting with core protocols, security research, and choosing the right tools.
  • Blockchain development will continue to play a crucial role in shaping various industries, and developers should stay updated with the latest trends and best practices.

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