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Winnie Magoma
Winnie Magoma

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Key Components of Accessibility


Web accessibility is a necessity to ensure functionality can be operated by all individuals. It is for this reason that the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has put together key components in ensuring how these key components can facilitate in improving web accessibility. These components include:-

 1. Content

  1. Web browsers
  2. Assistive Technology
  3. Users
  4. Developers
  5. Authoring Tools.
  6. Evaluation Tools
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Content refers to the information in a web page or web application.It also includes aspects of natural information such as text,sound and images. It also entails the markup or code that describes the structure, presentation as well as the interaction.

User Agents

User Agents refer to the tools, technologies and applications locate,retrieve and display the content of a web page/pages. This includes browsers, browser extensions, plugins text readers and media players. User Agents ensure web functionalities can be operated by everyone.

Assistive technology

Assistive Technology entail software and hardware tools that ensure that individuals with disability can access and interact with the web. Examples include Screen readers, alternative keyboards, switches and scanning software.

Authoring Tools

These are tools that facilitate in the creation and editing of web content.
Examples include Content management systems such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and Wix; HTML editors such as notepad and visual studio code and finally social media platforms.

Evaluation Tools

These are tools that assist in determining if web contents meet accessibility guidelines. Some of the tools include HTML and CSS validators. Examples of such tools are detailed here on Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List website.


Individuals who use the web have various levels of knowledge, experiences, and skill levels that has a significant impact on accessibility. For instance, a user may or may not know how to access the alternative text from their user agent and/or assistive technology as required.


Developers need to understand and implement accessibility. This also includes designers, authors, managers and anyone who is involved with developing content as well as applications, authoring tools, evaluation tools, browsers and other user agents.

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