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Beginner With Questions

Please bare with me, I do a lot of reading, research, etc but still find myself lost. I learn differently and just having some difficulties for the moment.

Is it still possible to create browser based games, strictly on an iPhone and iPad? Due to random events, I can not currently use my PCs. Just looking to try making some side income before I continue my work on fixing my other devices.

The plan is to use JavaScript or even Python, but I keep seeing all these recommended APIs or other things like Phaser, Node, etc that says they need to be downloaded. It's really confusing me to be honest, I'm trying my best to learn development and I refuse to give up, just kind of becoming frustrated.

Should I use Github for any of that? I don't even know Github yet, just kind of wanting to do the coding on my own to fully learn to better myself for the future.

I started with Unity, but it created problems, hence me only having the iPhone and iPad at the moment.

I don't know programming too tell, so I'm trying to have this as a project to learn more and be able to move forward, I just try reading resources and they always refer to other things and use this, use that.. I just want to be able to learn to code, using other things doesn't do that in my opinion..

Thanks for reading, tons of questions and things to ramble about. Tried keeping it short and on point.

Top comments (25)

woshimbo profile image
Woshimbo • Edited

(To all, my gratitude and some info if interested.)

Seriously, been around multiple places for programming and also networking, etc.. People in general were just horrible, but "here".. Wow!

Thank y'all so much, truly... I appreciate every one of you and all the more who make up this community.

Really glad to meet you all by the way and you all are awesome, I'm so relieved and thankful, even glad I decided to give this place a try. This place is the complete opposite of everywhere else. (Or it seems, from my experiences.)

Just to have even input from others and just the atmosphere of this place, gee. If any of you ever need help researching or studying things, even creating.. Let me know!

I may not know how to program yet, but development wise, as in systems for games and anything else game related I believe I can assist! Done a lot of research on cyber security, concepts, and such as well. Can also make (decent) music. Please let me know if any of it is needed, I'm more than willing to pay back the kind deeds you all have shown.

aheisleycook profile image

Pythonista is another choice for apple ios and ipados

woshimbo profile image
Woshimbo • Edited

Definitely, thanks! It does look useful.. Got it because of the "Shortcuts" app, but have yet to use it. Glanced at the examples and such, but they all imported stuff and I don't quite understand that yet, gotta figure out how to examine the libraries or whatever it is that is being imported.

Was thinking of using Python as part of it because a big goal is to have pretty advanced AI. Is it easy to integrate Python for the AI in to a JavaScript environment without needing dependencies?

aheisleycook profile image

reading your question more i would say that you might want to look into flask as a base for you idea i say this because javascript usually needs a backend unless it is nodejs flask for python will allow t write the backend for your ai then use javascript for the middle and front. best case scenario but probably nt the answer you were hoping for flask or pyramid and django and bottle which are web frameworks that could help route and hande requests

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aheisleycook profile image

this is why i kinda moved to php for stuff you dont need that much depencies unless you use laravel to do anything and it if flexible for anything

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woshimbo profile image

Will be very useful for later on and prepared for bringing stuff in, appreciate you. It also gives me something to see and at least scope out to understand. The answer is adored either way, haha. Thanks!

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aheisleycook profile image

long description short python will nad javascript have the problem you describe dependency hell

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woshimbo profile image

Almost began looking in to PHP, but decided not to add more to the plate. Not even quite sure what PHP is actually. I may have to look in to it at least.

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aheisleycook profile image

you actually shoulde php has a ai and ml module and is easlity integrage to apache and nginx

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aheisleycook profile image

you also may want to include your intention on your original post it will people gifve mre answe in depth

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woshimbo profile image
Woshimbo • Edited

Good to know. Yeah, had some bad experiences and didn't like random things being used. Just spooks me.. Almost wanna just roam around saying nothing but, "Vanilla... Vanilla, vanilla."

Definitely will though, good looking out and nice advice.

To be honest, the edit would be a good idea.. But the answers and information that has came from it since it is a bit open ended, even if requiring some things I do not wish for, it will make me learn what will be needed at some point or another so it's all good. =]

csirolli profile image
Christian Sirolli

You can do it all without any frameworks or third-party APIs. You can make a game for the browser with basic HTML and pure, vanilla JavaScript.

W3Schools has a tutorial on making a game with the HTML canvas element and JavaScript.

They are basically recreating flappy bird, but it is a good exercise to see what's possible and how to do some of the basics.

I think Khan Academy has a JavaScript course that basically focuses on working with the canvas. I took that course years ago, not sure if it is still around or what.

I recommend keeping your code on GitHub or Gitlab so you don't have to rely on your device storing your project's files. Look into both and see what you like better.

Both have a way of hosting a website, GitHub's is called GitHub Pages, and Gitlab's is called Gitlab Pages. Use those to host your game so you can play it in the browser. If you make use of either of those, you have entered the world of static websites. Read up on those to be familiar with how it works.

Be patient and persevere. It is easy to get frustrated, I get frustrated all the time. Continue asking questions and experiment with everything. Let me know if you have more questions.

woshimbo profile image

Thank you so much! I'm watching a course on Udemy about web development, things just keep spiraling and makes me wanna keep digging further and further. Finally taking the step to just back off and finally learn the basics.

Appreciate you, will check that site out and get a GitHub going.

Been using Shortcuts, Editorial, and Network Toolbox to learn stuff recently, if anybody happens to see this and is on iOS trying to learn.

carlbelo profile image
Carlos Bernal

Little late and maybe by the moment this commend adds no value, but I fully recommend GitHub as there is more info about it and about their command and also because GitLab is a pay platform, also I just started to actually use GitHub not long ago maybe a month or two ago and having no experience with git at all I found it very easy to use. Hope this helps.

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woshimbo profile image

Thank you very much. Gonna try learning that.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

The answer is that you can but I would like to ask which devices you have available as you talked about iPad.
There are some IDEs (that I never tried) such

  • Code App
  • Serverediter

CodeApp is 5,49€ in my store, i don't know if it has a different price depending on your location but it seems the best option reading the description. Search some youtube video about that.
Serverediter is free so you can take a try.

I've an iPad mini 5th gen so I don't know the compatibility with your device, take a look at the App Store.

woshimbo profile image

iPhone 12 and the 8th gen iPad. More availability of devices will arrive the more I learn, just kind of have to program em to fix em it seems. =p

I have Pythonista 3 only at the moment for experimenting with "Shortcuts".

Appreciate it! I'll check em out, have some JS IDEs and text editors bookmarked as well.

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

If you can only work on an iPad, I'd recommend Glitch, which is a platform for creating web apps in your browser, and it works anywhere.

There are starter templates on there for lots of different kinds of apps that you can "remix" (make your own) and people have made games on there too that you can use as a starting point.

Hope it helps!

woshimbo profile image

Awesome, that's kind of how I was learning the general concepts of a few things actually. Simple templates are great, seeing the structure works nicely, I've been converting things to html from documents I make and checking out some webpages.

Appreciate it! Can see if I'm right or wrong with my trial run with that, kind of been winging it in documentation. Just adding what I "think" is correct. Haha

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

i like python Tornado for writing web servers.

woshimbo profile image

Good info, will stash that for later because I know servers will come eventually. Can compare it with others. Appreciate it!

wh1zk1d profile image
Jannik Baranczyk

Hey, just wanted to encourage you to don't give up and keep on learning. I know all this stuff can be pretty overwhelming when you start, but it get's better with time :)

woshimbo profile image

Thank you, thank you! It's hard not to go all wide-eyed and just keep diving. This journey has already made me take apart a TV to learn about hardware even, hahaha. Kind of skipped the basics and even started learning all about the kernel and such.

I'll be sure to keep your words in mind!

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

I've used Code Sandbox to create browser based games, including this one:

woshimbo profile image

Nice! =] Thank you, that's really neat how you added that in to the post and can even view the source, very much appreciated.

Will definitely be checking that out.