so this year has been rough for everyone and I wanted to wish you a happy new year in a stylish way
const sendNewYearWishes = ( message = 'Happy new Year' ) => {
to sum this up this year to me was unlike any other year - I used to pandemic and lack of school session to improve my coding skills as last year I was hit by the reality of what a coder should have.
I improved my JavaScript skills and learned React on top of Angular 2.0 and now I am learning TypeScript
as for Backend I learned Express and Spring Boots and mobile Android and React Native
I also took interest in AI from computer Vision to Machine learning and currently working on a project with NLP
small steps due I want to focus on one thing and get good at it while maintaining a good regime for my uni studies
I made a lot of project
- Todo app
- E commerce ( still not complete )
- Computer vision Sudoku Solver with backtracking algorithm
- My own Portfolio
- Java mail manager you can check them all in my Github Repos
I see this as a big progress when I compare my first website to what I'm capable of now so thanks to everyone played a role in my improvement as I was to prove myself in some of freelance job I had
also I sat a goal this year to have more presence on the Internet and Contribute more and more to open Source.
you'll find me under the username { Jagarkin }.
I just made a Buy Me a Coffee account and I'll appreciate it If you help me even a little
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