Originally posted on my blog
You want to become more productive, automate your workflow, there are many tools to help you achieve your goal.
make gives you the flexibility to run and compile a program from source.
In this guide, we will use it to automate our development workflow.
Note: I will use Django as an example, but the technics are applicable to other technologies.
In this guide, I will use Makefile to automate many things in Django like database migration, superuser, deployment, and more.
At the end of the guide, you'll be more productive in your development.
Before you continue, ensure that make is installed in your system.
In Order to use make we need two(2) things one(1) we need to install it in our system and finally we need to create a file called Makefile.
To install make in your system you can follow these links :
Basic examples
To explore make let's begin with this simple program, go to any directory, and create a Makefile.
Note: Don't give it an extension.
$ mkdir test_make && cd test_make
$ touch Makefile
Open the file with your text editor and put this
echo "Hello world"
run the file by typing make inside the directory test_make
$ make
What is the output?
Here is what I get.
echo "Hello world"
Hello world
Django integration
If you're a Django developer, you know how tedious is to repeat again and again these commands :
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Let's automate them with make
Clone the example project here and follow the README guide.
git clone https://github.com/xarala221/consume-restfull-api-with-django && cd consume-restfull-api-with-django
Run the application to ensure that everything is working fine.
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000.
Inside the project, folder created a file called Makefile and add these lines.
touch Makefile
The final file will look like this
SHELL := /bin/bash
@$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$'
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
git push heroku master
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
you'll be more productive with these tips.
Become more productive and make things done is very important, in this guide you've learned how to automate your workflow by using make.
What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.
Top comments (20)
I love Makefiles and use them in almost all my projects, but I think the main benefits of them is walking DAGs of dependencies, which the article doesn't really mention.
For example, if your toolchain generates files:
Then you can define some Makefile targets:
Then the command 'make final-file' will run tool-b to generate the intermediate file, and knows that it first needs to run tool-a to generate the intermediate-file, and (the clever bit) it only runs each step if the output of the step is older than any of its inputs.
This means you eliminate needless typing (from running a tree of pre-requisite steps), and you eliminate needless (and possibly slow) rebuilding of files which don't need it. This is the core value of make, and if you can't take advantage of this, then there isn't much value over a set of script files.
I'd classify my current employer (Canonical) as high on the technically savvy scale, and my team uses a Makefile or two on every project. Even in cases where we can't make use of the above dependency analysis, it's nice for us to standardize on one approach to controlling how to build/test/etc projects.
Very interesting, thanks.
I added some missing "dependencies" (the parts after the colon) in my Makefile example.
Great article, i use to handle some of those task with custom django commands... but it really depends on what the task has to achieve, for example initializing app with default data... but it's a good idea to use makefile also.
But i am not sure if it can do everything, for example can it help you to deploy on remote server via SSH like fabfile ?
Thank you, friend.
Yes, you can do that.
I use this file to deploy my app to a docker container or Heroku server.
yeah i use it also but for VPS deployment and sometime on EC2....
TABS! Make sure you mention you need to use tabs not spaces to indent the start of a command. That is something that still gets me two decades of using Makefile's later.
Good to know.
Thank you.
But you don’t really save time though since the commands are short already. I question the productivity improvements here and would use bash aliases instead.
Make was invented for compiling (C/C++) codebases which involves a lot of long commands for compiler, linker, finding libraries, dependency tracking, etc. And it’s still a pain in the ass to maintain makefiles for those purposes. Nowadays I see less and less makefiles at work and in the opensource community.
Hi, yeah, the example is a little bit too simplistic, however with a bit more involved example, one can start seeing the benefits:
what I see is that makefiles are less used with some languages, but are still quite heavily used with others.
Though I agree that I also haven't seen complex makefile in a while, but that is probably because more and more languages have their own tooling.
Can't tell for the rest, these are the ones I am familiar with.
Small updates:
Fabric was used for this in it's 1.x version.
Since version 2.0 Fabric was split essentially into 2 packages with separate functionalities:
There is now another tool, that is generic and can be used for many languages, it is even cross-platform
Haven't used it though, in most cases I go with language native solution and if there is none, I usually either:
What do you have inside your Makefile.settings?
The code in this file is probably a bit more involved and harder to decipher, but it is just parsing functions really.
To get useful data from docker and/or env variables
:Just the first 3 lines are worth it
Great content, Thank you.
Thank you,
I find this very interesting.
I have thought about this a while ago, and Make seems to be both quite standard, and preinstalled (if not using Windows).
Makefiles and alternatives?
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt ・ May 13 ・ 1 min read
Great article! I'm trying it for a workflow for Node apps :)
Thank you.
It's an interesting approach, but why use make for a bash script's job?