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I made a job board dedicated to full remote jobs for French devs

It's called RemoteFR.

The Problem:

I've been a (French) developer for 10 years, and I always wanted to have a remote job. But, in France, that's super hard to find. Two reasons for this:

  • The France culture at work is very much about control. Being fully remote is hardly compatible with it
  • The french devs aren't really aware of internationals opportunities (because of the language, but it's also probably cultural)

My Solution:

I created a job board with full remote jobs only and targeted to french-speaking devs only.
I curate both french jobs and international ones and publish them on the website.

I also created a mailing list where you can subscribe to a get weekly summary of all the jobs that matched your criteria.

My main objective here is to grow the audience of Remotefr, I started to post the job offer on Twitter to see if I can get some traction from it.

Once my audience will be big enough I'll monetize the job posting, so it'll remain free for developers.

What do you think of it?

Top comments (1)

erickgonzalez profile image

I think it's exactly what I'll need in the future!

Merci beaucoup !