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Tech Deregulation Plus Layoff

Here's the story( as told by A.I. to one of the million of users of A.I.)

Please enjoy the story. The Caffeine-Fueled Conundrum is allegorical, it examines absence of job security.


  1. most management decisions are important to the business

  2. conversations assist coders in dealing with consequences of losing their jobs.

P.S. This is just a story. It does not intend to imply some companies are 'better' than others. It doesn't emphasise categories like 'millennial' or 'viral' trends. It shows how different developers worry about different things at founder stage. You might learn something from it.

The Caffeine-Fueled Conundrum
In the dingy "Bitter Brew" coffee shop, a group of over-caffeinated developers gathered, surrounded by stale air and broken furniture. They multitask more often because of an increase in remote work. They prefer to hold quick meetings so they can get back to freelancing.

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The senior developer Dylan is twelve years the senior. He sips on lukewarm coffee, brushes back parts of his messy hair and clears his throat to speak:

"alrite guyz, todays topic - estimatin market cap 4 apps w/ 1mil+ users"

The shop gradually gets noisier but this is noise developers can manage without difficulty.

Courtney (typing message on laptop )
IDK Dylan . market's 2 volatile. blockchain & decentralized apps r wildcards

Spencer (fidgeting with phone):
yeah,& dont 4get budget overruns! our last proj went 200%over

Cillian (scratching head over last layoff email)
not 2 mention regulatory headaches(GDPR, CCPA) ugh

Steven (former crypto trader) is known for rapid speaking cadence and rushed shopping, points out something obvious.
"c'mon guyz!!! we need 2 provide estimates. clients r waitin!"

Sally, the quiet one, adjusts nerdy glasses for comfort; she crunches the numbers in a flash .

"uh.. developers.. what are we thinking about @ tiktok's valuation? 1 day it's 50bil, next day it's 20bil!"

Spencer rolls his eyes.
"exactly! & whats w/ these new platforms? web3, metaverse... how do we value those?"

Sally sighs in boredom. no point aiming to predict Metaverse investors or compare hundreds of A.I. benchmarks. Better if her group keeps things simple.

"i say we just use historical data & hope 4 the best"

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Steven stops replying to emails once he hears this. He won't approve of a simple valuation proposal. He knows the work that must be done. He clicks the voicenote icon to argue, "That's not good enuf. we need a better system!"

Dylan cuts in . Waiters slowly cart away empty coffee saucers and trays of fast-food. Dylan provides just what they need, his simple suggestion may benefit the laid-off beginners. "how bout we jus use this framework?"

Dylan shares a Google Document titled Estimated Market Capitalization (EMC) Framework. They receive a notification about this document from their different phones.

EMC Framework Summary

  1. User Growth Rate (UGR)
  2. Revenue Streams (RS)
  3. Market Share (MS)
  4. Competitive Landscape (CL)
  5. Regulatory Environment (RE)
  6. Technological Advancements (TA)
  7. User Engagement (UE)
  8. Retention Rate (RR)

Courtney has work to do and indicates the time for their meeting is over.
(types message on laptop) "alrite, lets refine dis framework & meet next wk @ decent coffee shop"

As each of them sign off, Spencer grumbles, "budget overruns r killin us..." But no one hears. Sally fights yawns, the hidden signs of lost sleep are now all over her face. She thinks : "tell me bout it... my car's repossession notice arrived yesterday"

The only member who leaves chuckling to himself is Cillian, there's a silver lining in all this. "Well, at least our code's solid."

The group broke off, departing the dismal coffee shop, determined to create a better estimation system.

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