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葛城矢ヶ崎 × 鬼渋谷
葛城矢ヶ崎 × 鬼渋谷

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Curiosity Fullstack: What do you prefer? Dev back or front first?

My boss last week ask it to me, he thinking that know how dev, but know just a theory. In your vision, developing back-end is better because when you build a car, you first draw a motor and later you build a design of car and no after. That's because i have a experience from front-end on my career and never before developed the back, because of this i developing first on front and later i build a back.

And in your position?
What do you prefer? Dev back or front first?

Top comments (3)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I prefer to work on the back-end first because you might as well have your API and database set up. So that when you work on the front-end the connection is seamless and you don't have to create fake data to test because you have a working API from the start.

However there are caveats to this like in circumstances when your client or boss wants to see a quick mockup with some fake data just to get a feel for the app. In that case I would do the front-end first with mock data and then set up the back-end afterwards.

So it depends who you are working for and what the needs may be. If its a personal project I always start with the back-end before I work on the front-end.

yagasaki7k profile image
葛城矢ヶ崎 × 鬼渋谷

I understand and looks better.

trashhalo profile image
Stephen Solka

It depends on my mood.

Backend: Systems design can feel like playing with legos. Plus pretty datadog graphs.

Frontend: Shiny. Product tends to appreciate your delivers more because they can see them.