Hey dev.to community!
BxJS Weekly Episode 75 is now out! 🚀
Listen to the best javascript news of the week in a podcast form right here.
Here's all the mentioned links (also found on github):
Getting started:
- JavaScript Promise combinators: .all(), .race(), .allSettled()
- How to Build a Chrome Extension with Vue
- How to Turn an Existing Gatsby Site Into a Theme
- Implementing animations in React with React Spring
- Async Generator Functions in JavaScript
- ES proposal: globalThis
- useEffect vs. useLayoutEffect in plain, approachable language
- Remainder operator vs. modulo operator (with JavaScript code)
- 5 Tips to Help You Avoid React Hooks Pitfalls
- Handling and dispatching events with Node.js
- Vue.js 3: Future-Oriented Programming
- Why is modern web development so complicated? A long yet hasty explanation: Part 1!
Articles & News:
- How Does the (React) Development Mode Work?
- Detecting incognito mode in Chrome 76 with a timing attack
- Top 4 Tactics To Keep Node.js Rockin’ in Docker
- Investigating Discord’s React Memory Leak
- Metaprogramming in JavaScript with jscodeshift
Tips, tricks & bit-sized awesomeness:
- New website design for React Native
- 3D DOM viewer in Edge Dev/Canary builds
- Native lazy loading just launched on Chrome 76
- Announcing the webhint browser extension
- Eighth annual js13kGames challenge
Libs & demos:
- translingual
- hackathon-starter
- mc.js
- mind-elixir-core
- reactjs-videobg
- Untrusive
- nodeppt.js
- cashify
- electron-extensions
- datavader
- react-transitions
- cogo-toast
- useAuth
- use-subscription
- react-archer
- react-flippy
- justgage
- Resemble.js
Interesting & silly stuff:
Any feedback is appreciated 😁
Additional stuff:
Social media links:
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