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Yasmin Sardar
Yasmin Sardar

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Use CSS to Remove PNG Image Background Color

In CSS you can remove the white background color form your PNG image by using only one CSS property calledΒ mix-blend-mode. Below example:

 img { mix-blend-mode: multiply;}
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If you want to remove white or background color from an image, this CSS property is perfect for you. Additionally, it works on all image types, not just PNG.

And if you also want to see some more properties of mix-blend-mode you can check it out on w3 school, there are a lot more properties that I haven't mentioned here.

Like you I also want to remove white background from my image, I use many CSS properties like background-color: transparent; else background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg'); and many more,

But nothing was working, so I searched on YouTube and found this method. It worked, so follow all the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Select image in CSS

The first step is to select the image in the CSS file, if your image is in a container then you select the main container of your image.

 .container {}
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In the above example there is only container class inside the style sheet as you can see.

Step 2: Add this CSS property to image

After adding image in the CSS sheet now only add this CSS mix-blend-mode: multiply;

Here is an example:

 .container {
        mix-blend-mode: multiply;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once you add it is done, now your PNG has no background color.

Step 3: Save the file, and check preview

Once you follow both the above steps now save the HTML and CSS files and preview it on your browser below, I have shared the before and after picture which you can see

Before Image:

Before Image:

After Image:

After Image:

I hope this post helps you to remove white background color form your PNG image using CSS codes.

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Top comments (4)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

This doesn't remove the background from the image at all. That isn't what the multiply blend method does. It merely gives the appearance of doing so when you use a black and white image. If you try with a coloured image, the colours will be ruined.

I would suggest checking the comments on the post below that explain this:

yasminsardar profile image
Yasmin Sardar

If your image has a white or black background, this method will work effectively. However, it will not work with a different colored background.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

If you have these two images (colourful background, and a foreground image with a white background):

And you use the multiply blend mode, you will end up with this:

Blend mode multiply

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

It won't work if your image is coloured - regardless of the background. The colours will be messed up.