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Implementing Saga Pattern in Microservices with .NET Core: A Practical Guide

Microservices architecture has gained widespread adoption due to its scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance. However, with the rise of microservices, the complexity of managing distributed transactions has also increased. One approach to address this challenge is the Saga Pattern. In this article, we'll explore the Saga Pattern and demonstrate its implementation in a .NET Core environment, considering a real business case.

Understanding the Saga Pattern

The Saga Pattern is a design pattern for managing distributed transactions in a microservices architecture. It breaks down a large, all-or-nothing transaction into smaller, independent transactions that can be executed and compensated in case of a failure. Each smaller transaction is known as a saga step.

Consider a scenario where an e-commerce application needs to handle the process of placing an order, which involves multiple microservices like inventory, payment, and shipping. In a traditional monolithic application, this would be a single transaction. However, in a microservices architecture, it's more practical to split this into smaller sagas.

Implementing Saga Pattern in .NET Core

Let's consider a simplified example where an order is placed, and the following saga steps are involved: reserve inventory, process payment, and ship the order. We'll use .NET Core for implementing the sagas.

1. Setting Up the Microservices:
Start by creating separate microservices for inventory, payment, and shipping. Each microservice should expose APIs to perform its specific functionality.

2. Implementing Sagas:
Create a new microservice to handle the order placement process. This service will coordinate the saga steps. Define a saga interface that includes methods for initiating, completing, and compensating each step.

public interface IOrderSaga
    Task StartSaga(Guid orderId);
    Task CompleteReserveInventory(Guid orderId);
    Task CompensateReserveInventory(Guid orderId);
    Task CompleteProcessPayment(Guid orderId);
    Task CompensateProcessPayment(Guid orderId);
    Task CompleteShipOrder(Guid orderId);
    Task CompensateShipOrder(Guid orderId);

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Saga Implementation:
Implement the saga interface in a concrete class, coordinating the saga steps. Use a state machine to manage the state of the saga.

public class OrderSaga : IOrderSaga
    private readonly IInventoryService _inventoryService;
    private readonly IPaymentService _paymentService;
    private readonly IShippingService _shippingService;

    public OrderSaga(IInventoryService inventoryService, IPaymentService paymentService, IShippingService shippingService)
        _inventoryService = inventoryService;
        _paymentService = paymentService;
        _shippingService = shippingService;

    public async Task StartSaga(Guid orderId)
        // Initiate the saga, e.g., create a saga record in the database

    public async Task CompleteReserveInventory(Guid orderId)
        // Invoke the inventory service to reserve inventory
        await _inventoryService.ReserveInventory(orderId);

    public async Task CompensateReserveInventory(Guid orderId)
        // Compensate for the inventory reservation, e.g., release the reserved inventory
        await _inventoryService.ReleaseInventory(orderId);

    // Implement similar methods for payment and shipping steps
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Handling Failures:
In case of a failure at any step, the saga should be able to compensate for the completed steps. Implement a mechanism to track the state of the saga and compensate if necessary.

Integration with Microservices:
Integrate the OrderSaga with the respective microservices using HTTP, messaging, or other communication mechanisms. Ensure that each microservice has its own compensating actions.

Summary -
Implementing the Saga Pattern in a .NET Core microservices environment can greatly simplify the management of distributed transactions. By breaking down complex transactions into smaller, manageable steps, you can ensure better fault tolerance and consistency in your microservices architecture. The provided example is a simplified illustration, and real-world implementations may require additional considerations such as distributed saga persistence, message-driven communication, and more sophisticated compensation strategies.

Top comments (2)

appqui profile image
Igor Golodnitsky

Would be great to see real or at least sample of "transaction" and its "compensate transaction"

anton_kolesnyk_fee8eac0cf profile image
Anton Kolesnyk

The title of the article should be "Implementing draft of the class for future saga pattern implementation". Didn't find anything useful, you wasted my time.