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YuIT Solutions

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Let's run a GitLab Runner 🏃 in a docker container📦

Before your getting started, you can read the official documentation and don't read this article 😉

So, if you're still here, let's do it together!💪

  1. Pull the GitLab Runner Docker Image: Open your terminal and run the following command to pull the GitLab Runner Docker image: docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest

  2. Run the GitLab Runner Container:
    Next, run the GitLab Runner container. You can use the following command to start it in detached mode:

docker run -d --name yuit-gitlab-runner --restart always -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest

This command does the following:

  • Runs the container in detached mode (-d).
  • Names the container yuit-gitlab-runner.
  • Restarts the runner automatically if it stops.
  • Maps the configuration directory (/srv/gitlab-runner/config) on your host to the runner configuration directory in the container (/etc/gitlab-runner).

Register runner in gitlab

  • Select CI/CD > Runners.
  • Select New instance runner. new runner in gitlab
  • In the Tags section, in the Tags field, enter the job tags to specify jobs the runner can run. If there are no job tags for this runner, select Run untagged: yuit-runner-tag
  • Runner description: Runner of docker container
  • Select the operating system where GitLab Runner is installed: linux new runner detail form new runner in gitlab token

Registering runners in local docker container

docker container

docker exec -it yuit-gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register
Enter the GitLab instance URL:
Enter the registration token: ****
Enter a name for the runner: yuit-runner
Enter an executor: docker
Enter the default Docker image: node:20.16-alpine

registered a new runner

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