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Cover image for All in one ⚡ Ethereum Dapp monorepo starter kit
Zachi Lee
Zachi Lee

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All in one ⚡ Ethereum Dapp monorepo starter kit

Hello guys, at the beginning of the year hope everyone is doing well, I will like to share a web3 dapp monorepo starter kit i am working on, feel free to use or share whatever you find useful here

The reason i come up with this boilerplate is because when you trying to build a decentralized application (dApp), you not just need a Dapp front-end but also need more professional tools to boost up your applications or interact or testing with solidity contracts, so i hope this boilerplate can help development team to develop more faster and more organize in just one repo.

📦 starter kit contains :

Front-end: Nextjs + typescript+ wagmi+ rainbowkit +ether.js

Styling: Tailwind, Storybook

Solidity Contracts: hardhat+typescript+chai

Config:es-lint, ts-lint, tailwind-config, sol-lint

Doc && SDK (WIP) : ether.js, typescript,chai...etc

boilerplate repo:

*Example: *

you can simply just access or test solidity contracts without leaving or switching repos, can do it one place one repo

yarn hardhat:compile
yarn hardhat:node
yarn hardhat:test
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


I recommend the following extension to make it easy to switch among packages in your mono repo, as well as open multiple under a single workspace. It makes mono repos work well with the test explorer extension.


I was going to create a full blog post explaining how everything worked, but wasn't sure if anyone would be interested.

Comments down below if you have any feedback ! or feel free to raise a ticket in the repo issues section, cheers !

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