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What are the most important things I need to know as new coder?(I want to get a job in the field one day)

Top comments (12)

epigene profile image
Augusts Bautra

How to get the foot in the door.
It's always been the case, and nowadays even more, that a CS degree is irrelevant for employers. Get an interview, show you're interested in solving problems for the company and grow on the job.

salahyoumir profile image
salah youmir

Creating personal projects - not todo apps - from scratch with proper back, front it's CI/CD will be very helpful for interviews to get a job. Best of luck

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Whatever you do, don't believe that a portfolio website amounts to anything. It doesn't. Do it if you want, but consider it practice.

What's more valuable is your GitHub profile. Contribute to open source, create your own repositories, etc. This is far better than having a portfolio.

kwnaidoo profile image
Kevin Naidoo • Edited

Depends on the type of coder. For a full stack or backend engineer. Firstly you want to learn these patterns and concepts:

  1. Loose coupling
  2. Singleton
  3. Adapter pattern
  4. Facade pattern
  5. OOP concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism etc...
  6. Some algorithms and data structures

Data types and data structures:

  1. Different types of numbers: floats, decimals, longs, int32 etc...
  2. Collections like Arrays or Lists
  3. Maps and dictionaries
  4. Strings

Basic understanding of HTTP, TCP, UDP and the OSI networking model.

Next, pick a Language, either C#, Java, Python, TypeScript, Golang, PHP, Ruby or any of the modern languages.

Next, build stuff, start small with console applications, calculators etc... get into the art of constructing a program from scratch.

During this process you should think about data types, and the flow of data, how it's transformed and manipulated throughout your program. Learn to debug properly and solve problems of increasing complexity.

Next, you want to learn SQL and basic querying.

Next, pickup a framework like Django or Laravel or etc...

Now learn MVC and how to connect a request to a route, controller, pull data from the DB and render a template.

From there expand step-by-step building something more and more complex as your knowledge grows.

While you doing all of this, push your code to Github and knock on as many doors as you can.

Hope this helps.

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre
pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

You have endless possibilities. Don't put yourself into a barriers.

avanichols_dev profile image
Ava Nichols

Enthusiasm goes a long way!

it1995 profile image

First of all, you should learn some basic techniques, like programming grammar, sql, linux, network, windows.
Secondly, you can integrate computer technique to make some tools, like web reptile, traffic simulation, weather analysis.
Finally, pass some certificates. These things can make you more confident.

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)