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Hold My Emoji

Let's create a random emoji generator in package emoji.

Prepare a list of funny emoji codes

🚲 🐸 🐡 🎉 😆 👏 🏄 🔞 🍫 🏖️ 🐳 💯 🤓 🌝 🤘 🤣 🍪 🌼 🔔 🎅 🍄 🚗 🦄 🎃 👈 :trollface: 🐒 🌞 :octocat: 👇 🐽 🛍️ 🍼 :feelsgood: 🍻 🙀 👀 ☃️ 🐣 🚀 🐮 💅 ‼️ 🚁

var (
  AvailEmojies = []string{

Prepare a helper function to generate a code every time being called. Using a random integer generation function in math/rand

func RndEmoji() string {
  return AvailEmojies[rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(len(AvailEmojies))]

Almost done, for now, you can use it somewhere else for fun. Here I'd like to use the test feature provided by go.
Now, create a test file with suffix _test in the same location as emoji.go, called emoji_test.go

import (

func TestEmoji(t *testing.T) {
  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

Simple. Isn't it?
To run the test just go test it, use verbose mode to allow Log level info to print.
go test -v <GOPATH>/holdmyemoji

=== RUN   TestEmoji
--- PASS: TestEmoji (0.01s)
    emoji_test.go:9: :whale:
    emoji_test.go:9: :unicorn:
    emoji_test.go:9: :metal:
    emoji_test.go:9: :octocat:
    emoji_test.go:9: :monkey:
    emoji_test.go:9: :sun_with_face:
    emoji_test.go:9: :nail_care:
    emoji_test.go:9: :helicopter:
    emoji_test.go:9: :unicorn:
    emoji_test.go:9: :bell:

The test can also be built first by go test <GOPATH>/rndemoji -c -o emoji, then you can run ./emoji -test.v multiple times.

=== RUN   TestEmoji
--- PASS: TestEmoji (0.01s)
    emoji_test.go:9: :santa:
    emoji_test.go:9: :tada:
    emoji_test.go:9: :pig_nose:
    emoji_test.go:9: :rocket:
    emoji_test.go:9: :eyes:
    emoji_test.go:9: :full_moon_with_face:
    emoji_test.go:9: :100:
    emoji_test.go:9: :trollface:
    emoji_test.go:9: :pig_nose:
    emoji_test.go:9: :bangbang:

Also, to have more fun, shuffle the list every time before generating, the list changes from time to time. It, of course, will cost more computation.

  for i := range AvailEmojies {
    j := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(i+1)
    AvailEmojies[j], AvailEmojies[i] = AvailEmojies[i], AvailEmojies[j]

Use your funny list, play with it 🚀

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