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Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | How to Do Kinematic and Manual?

Here, we take ZMC406R-V2 EtherCAT Motion Controller to build forward or inverse kinematics for Delta through C#. In addition, how to manually control it.

1. How C# Develops Delta Parallel Robotic Arm?

Here, use VS2010.

Step 1: Build One Project
--click "File" - "New" - "Project"--
--select "Visual C#", .Net Framework 4 and Windows program--

Step 2: Obtain Zmotion Library
--method 1: find corresponding library in Zmotion website "download", then download by yourself--
--method 2: contact us, send the corresponding library to you--

Step 3: Develop by Zmotion C# Library File
--copy downloaded C# library file and corresponding file into new built project--
copy "zmcaux.cs" into new built project
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copy "zaux.dll" and "zmotion.dll" into bin\debug folder
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--open new created file--
*open the file, and click "show all files" in the "solution resource manager", and right click "zmcaux.cs" file, then click "include in project".

double click "Form 1" of "Form 1.cs"
edit "using cszmcaux" at the beginning
*state controller handle "g_handle".
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2. Main PC Commands for Delta

In "PC Function Library Programming Manual", you can check all encapsulated commands. It can be downloaded here or contact us directly.

Here, it will show Delta related commands.
(1) Connection Command -- ZAux_OpenEth

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(2) Forward Connection -- ZAux_Direct_Connreframe

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(3) Inverse Connection -- ZAux_Direct_Connframe

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(4) Rotate robotic arm coordinate system to get user coordinate system

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3. One Routine: How C# Builds Delta Kinematics?


(1) Check Axis Direction
Use Zmotion Delta parallel robotic arm model, the direction of 3 joint axes must be forward when they rotate downside, and the direction of end rotary axis also should be forward when it rotates anticlockwise (looking down).

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(2) Save Structural Parameters

Please obtain structural parameters from your robot body manufacturer.

Then write corresponding parameters into our controller TABLE register, next, it can call the interface to build forward or inverse kinematics.

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(3) Define Origin

A. when each joint-axis' connection rod L1 is in the horizontal position, it is considered as the joint origin position (generally, robot body will provide positioning pin, if no, it can use "gradienter" to make sure L1 in the horizontal when it is at origin.

B. at this time, axis 0 and axis 1' connection direction is X direction of Cartesian Coordinate System, and system's origin is located at the center of the horizontal plane of connecting rod L1.

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(4) Set Joint-Axis & Virtual-Axis

The joint-axis is an actual motor axis. For Delta, it has joint-axis 0, joint-axis 1, joint-axis 2 and end rotation axis. And these joint axes' pulse amounts must be set as needed pulses in one circle (Units = motor pulses in one circle * reduction ratio / 360).

The virtual-axis is a virtual axis for Cartesian Coordinate System, it has system virtual axis X, axis Y, axis Z, and one rotation axis RZ. For X,Y,Z, their UNITS (pulse amount) are recommended as 1000. For RZ, UNITS should be set as needed pulses in one circle.


(1) Connect to Controller

Connect to controller, get the handle, then PC uses the obtained handle to control controller.

//connect to controller, default IP is
ZauxErr = zmcaux.ZAux_OpenEth("", out g_Handle);
if (0 != ZauxErr)
AlmInifFile.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), "ZAux_OpenEth Execute Error, Error Code:" + ZauxErr.ToString(), "Error Code Info");
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(2) Set Delta Parallel Robotic Arm Parameters

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(3) Build Forward Kinematic

'Task No.: /
'Function of this function: build robotic arm forward or inverse connection 
'Input: Mode=0—disconnect, 1—inverse connection, 2—forward connection
'Output: /
'Returned Value: 0—success, 1--failure
‘    *only controller with R is valid    
'    *when in forward, virtual axis MTYPE = 34
‘    *when in inverse, joint axis MTYPE = 34
‘    *when in inverse, keep enable.
public int ScaraEstab(int Mode)
    //update UI interface’s Delta parameters
    //set robotic arm parameters
    //save Delta parameters into Ini file
    //clear controller alarms
    ZauxErr = zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Datum(g_Handle, 0, 0);
    //update axis list, the axis sequence is J1, J2, Ju, Jz(joint-axis), Vx, Vy, Vr, Vz (virtual-axis)
    int[] mJScaraAxisList = new int[4]; //joint-axis list
    int[] mVScaraAxisList = new int[4]; //virtual-axis list
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        mJScaraAxisList[i] = gDeltaAxisList[i];
        mVScaraAxisList[i] = gVAxisList[i];
    //check whether robotic arm parameters are correct
    if ((DeltaR <= 0) || (Deltar <= 0) || (DeltaL1 <= 0) || (DeltaL2 <= 0))
        MessageBox.Show("Delta Robot has Problem, Please Confirm! ");
        return -1;
    //first to save robotic arm structural parameters into controller TABLE register, then it can build robotic arm connection
    //update robotic arm parameters into controller TABLE register
    float[] ScaraParaList = new float[11] { DeltaR, Deltar, DeltaL1, DeltaL2, gMotorPulNum[0] * gReducRatio[0], gMotorPulNum[1] * gReducRatio[1], gMotorPulNum[2] * gReducRatio[2], 0, 0, 0, gMotorPulNum[3] * gReducRatio[3] };
    ZauxErr = zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetTable(g_Handle, TableStaraId, 11, ScaraParaList);
    if (0 != ZauxErr)
        return -1;
    if ((1 == Mode) && (0 == ZauxErr)) //build inverse solution for the robot (when the robot parameters are updated successfully)
        //build Scara inverse
        ZauxErr = zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Connframe(g_Handle, 4, mJScaraAxisList, 14, TableStaraId, 4, mVScaraAxisList);
        if (0 != ZauxErr)
            ProceWindows.WriteLog("Fail to Switch Inverse");
            return -1;
        ProceWindows.WriteLog("Switch to Inverse");
    else if ((2 == Mode) && (0 == ZauxErr)) //build forward solution for the robot (when the robot parameters are updated successfully)
        //build Scara forward
        ZauxErr = zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Connreframe(g_Handle, 4, mVScaraAxisList, 14, TableStaraId, 4, mJScaraAxisList);
        if (0 != ZauxErr)
            ProceWindows.WriteLog("Fail to Switch Forward");
            return -1;
        ProceWindows.WriteLog("Switch to Forward");
    return 0;
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Note: for forward, virtual-axis MTYPE will be 34, for inverse, joint-axis MTYPE will be 33. For more, please check former article "EtherCAT Motion Controller in Delta Robotic Arm".

(4) Operate Manual Motion

Below shows routine's manual motion interface.

Press the "Manual" button of "Joint Coordinate System Manual Control", it will automatically build forward connection.

Press the "Manual" button of "Cartesian Coordinate System Manual Control", it will automatically build inverse connection.

When the manual speed decreases to a certain value, it will automatically switch to the inching mode.

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A. Joint-Axis Manual Motion

'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: joint-axis manual inverse motion, press “-“ to call
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: / 
private void JHandDirRev0_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //whether locks it or not, after locked, then it can move
    int EnableState = 0;
    cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetAxisEnable(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[0], ref EnableState);
    //if enabled
    if ((1 == EnableState) || (MainWindows.IsDebug)) 
        int Vmtype = 0;//virtual axis MTYPE
        cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetMtype(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gVAxisList[0], ref Vmtype); 
        //if it is not forward state
        if (Vmtype != 34)
            //build robotic arm forward connection
            if (0 != MainWindows.ScaraEstab(2))
                //Fail to build the robot connection
        //which button to be pressed
        int Id = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (((Button)sender).Name == ("JHandDirRev" + i))
                Id = i;
        int TempAxis = 0;
        TempAxis = MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[Id];
        //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
        if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
            //set point motion speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc * MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 100);
            //send “inverse” motion command
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Vmove(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, -1);
            //set inching speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 10);
            //send inching motion command
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Move(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, -1 * MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc);
'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: joint-axis manual forward motion, press “+“ to call
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: /     
private void JHandDirFwd0_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //whether locks it or not, after locked, then it can move
    int EnableState = 0;
    cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetAxisEnable(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[0], ref EnableState);
    //if enabled
    if ((1 == EnableState) || (MainWindows.IsDebug)) 
        int Vmtype = 0;//virtual axis MTYPE
        cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetMtype(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gVAxisList[0], ref Vmtype); 
        //if it is not forward state
        if (Vmtype != 34)
            //build robotic arm forward kinematic
            if (0 != MainWindows.ScaraEstab(2))
                //Fail to build the robot connection
        //which button to be pressed
        int Id = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (((Button)sender).Name == ("JHandDirFwd" + i))
                Id = i;
        int TempAxis = 0;
        TempAxis = MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[Id];
        //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
        if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
            //set point motion speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc * MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 100);
            //send “forward” motion command
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Vmove(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 1);
            //set inching speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 10);
            //send inching motion command
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Move(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 1 * MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc);
'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: joint-axis stop manual motion, call when point button is released
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: /      
private void JHandDirRev0_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //which button to be pressed
    int Id = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (((Button)sender).Name == ("JHandDirRev" + i))
            Id = i;
    int TempAxis = 0;
    TempAxis = MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[Id];
    //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
    if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
        MainWindows.ZauxErr = cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Cancel(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 2);
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B. Virtual-Axis Manual Motion

'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: virtual manual inverse motion, press “-“ to call
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: /     
private void VHandDirRev0_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //whether locks it or not, after locked, then it can move
    int EnableState = 0;
    cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetAxisEnable(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[0], ref EnableState);
    //if enabled
    if ((1 == EnableState) || (MainWindows.IsDebug)) 
        int Jmtype = 0;//joint-axis Mtype
        cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetMtype(MainWindows.g_Handle, gDeltaAxisList[0], ref Jmtype);
        //if it is not inverse state
        if (Jmtype != 33)
            //build robotic arm inverse kinematic
            if (0 != MainWindows.ScaraEstab(1))
                //Fail to build the robot connection
        //which button to be pressed
        int Id = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if (((Button)sender).Name == ("VHandDirRev" + i))
                Id = i;
        int TempAxis = 0;
        //update current robotic arm state
        TempAxis = MainWindows.gVAxisList[Id];
        //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
        if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
            //set point motion speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc * MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 100);
            //send “inverse” motion command
           cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Vmove(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, -1); 
            //set inching speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 10);
            //send inching motion command
           cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Move(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, -1 * MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc);
'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: joint-axis manual forward motion, press “+“ to call
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: /    
private void VHandDirFwd0_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //whether locks it or not, after locked, then it can move
    int EnableState = 0;
    cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetAxisEnable(MainWindows.g_Handle, MainWindows.gDeltaAxisList[0], ref EnableState);
    //if enabled
    if ((1 == EnableState) || (MainWindows.IsDebug)) 
        int Jmtype = 0;//joint-axis Mtype
        cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetMtype(MainWindows.g_Handle, gDeltaAxisList[0], ref Jmtype);
        //if it is not forward kinematic
        if (Jmtype != 33)
            //build robotic arm forward connection
            if (0 != MainWindows.ScaraEstab(1))
                //Fail to build the robot connection
        //which button to be pressed
        int Id = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if (((Button)sender).Name == ("VHandDirFwd" + i))
                Id = i;
        int TempAxis = 0;
        //update current robotic arm state
        TempAxis = MainWindows.gVAxisList[Id];
        //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
        if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
           //set point motion speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc * MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 100);
           //send “forward” motion command
           cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Vmove(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 1); 
            //set inching speed
            cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_SetSpeed(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, MainWindows.gAxisHandSpeed[Id] / 10);
            //send inching motion command
           cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Move(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 1 * MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc);
'Task No.: /
'Function of this “function”: virtual-axis stop motion, call when the point motion button is released
'Input: /
'Output: / 
'Returned Value: /
'Note: /     
//stop the motion
private void VHandDirRev0_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    //which button to be pressed
    int Id = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        if (((Button)sender).Name == ("VHandDirRev" + i))
            Id = i;
    int TempAxis = 0;
    TempAxis = MainWindows.gVAxisList[Id];
    //if manual speed is less than 5, it is inching mode
    if (5 <= MainWindows.HnadSpeedPerc)
        cszmcaux.zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_Single_Cancel(MainWindows.g_Handle, TempAxis, 2);
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(5) Use Robotic Arm Simulator Tool

Open "ZRobotView" software, enter controller IP (default IP:, then click "connect". After connected, click "switch", it can 3D simulate robotic arm operation.

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That's all, thank you for your reading -- Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | How to Do Kinematic and Manual.

This article is edited by ZMOTION, here, share with you, let's learn together.

Note: Copyright belongs to Zmotion Technology, if there is reproduction, please indicate article source. Thank you.

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