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Mr F.
Mr F.

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Why and how you should migrate from Visual Studio Code to VSCodium

In this tutorial we'll go over why you should make the switch, and how you can retain all of your extensions when you do make the switch. It won't take more than a couple of minutes to do the actual change!

The problem with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio code is without a doubt the most used Code editor (for front end developers at least). It definitely provides a lot of helpful extensions of which there have been umpteen posts about.

text editors

So why would I suggest you uninstall it for something else?

Whilst Microsoft’s vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.

...may collect information about you and your use of the software, and send that to Microsoft... You may opt-out of many of these scenarios, but not all...

Microsoft insist this is for bug tracking and so on, which may well be true. But you never know what else the data could end up being used for in the hands of someone unscrupulous.

You can turn off telemetry reporting in Visual Studio Code, but there are plenty of opportunities for Microsoft to add other features in, which may slip past your attention.

Run this command in your terminal and check your output

code --telemetry

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Not great, lets change it.


VSCodium ... is not a fork. This is a repository of scripts to automatically build Microsoft's vscode repository into freely-licensed binaries with a community-driven default configuration.

This means we don't have to go through the hassle of building each version ourselves, everything is done for us and the best part is we get these binaries under the MIT license. Telemetry is completely disabled.

Moreover, the editor itself looks and functions exactly the same, you won't miss a thing!

vscodium logo

That's a pretty simple and compelling argument.

same but different

How to install VSCodium and keep all your extensions and settings

This is the easy part. I will focus upon macOS, but these instructions are pretty simple to amend to other platforms.

updated to include settings

Make sure you have Homebrew installed:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

1. Export all your installed extensions

First export all of your installed extensions into a text file (amend the output path as you see fit)

code --list-extensions | tee ~/vscode-extensions.txt

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will output all of your extensions to ~/vscode-extensions.txt and list them out in your terminal for you to see.

2. Export your settings

Export any custom keybindings and user settings you have as default.

cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json ~/vscode-settings.json

cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json ~/vscode-keybindings.json

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Uninstall Visual Studio Code

We use the force argument so that nothing gets left behind that would clash or interrupt VSCodium's install.

brew cask uninstall --force visual-studio-code

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. Install VSCodium

brew cask install vscodium

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

5. Reinstall your extensions for VSCodium

Because VSCodium has the same command line tools, we invoke them the same was as before

xargs -n1 code --install-extension < ~/vscode-extensions.txt

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This went through the file and executed code --install-extension on each line individually.

You should have seen the output in your terminal.

If you get a DeprecationWarning: Buffer()... warning, you don't need to worry, it's related to Yarn and can be resolved with yarn global add yarn

6. Import your settings

mv ~/vscode-settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/settings.json

mv ~/vscode-keybindings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/keybindings.json

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now you should be set and ready to go, the only thing you should notice is the logo is different. Everything else will work, feel and function the same as before.

Happy coding devs!

Top comments (91)

saint4eva profile image

The reason is not compelling enough. So, I am going to stick to VS Code - it is a great product.

thepeoplesbourgeois profile image

VSCodium is literally the exact same product, just under the license Microsoft purports to release VSCode under

lewy_blue profile image
Lewy Blue | Discover three.js

The exact same product with loads of extra setup steps and only dubious benefits.

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0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

not at all, the only extra steps were migrating from Visual Studio. Everything else is the same. What do you think is dubious?

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thepeoplesbourgeois profile image
Josh • Edited

brew cask install vscodium == extra setup steps? O_o

OH. You must mean "keystrokes". Yeah i guess it's, like, two more of those.

saint4eva profile image

I do not have any issues with the license.

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thepeoplesbourgeois profile image


People other than you still might, though

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airtonix profile image
Zenobius Jiricek

With the amount of people that Voted for Joe Biden, you will be dissapointed to learn that "other people than you" is remarkebly small.

People don't care about their freedom.

euler2718 profile image
John Corley

People don't get you are literally using the same product. From the exact same repo.

rbrugnollo profile image
Rafael Brugnollo

Dunno if I agree with that. Microsoft has all the work to build a product that, as you said, most of devs are using, and then offers it for free. So I think it's only fair to use and endorse their product if you like it.

euler2718 profile image
John Corley

No because they allow you to build it yourself. It's open source, but the installer isn't. So you are arguing for using their installer....not vscode

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Valid argument. However this isn't effecting their bottom line. Ultimately this is a tool to upsell into and buy other services such as Azure, which I'm signed up to and happy with.

albertzubkowicz profile image

Please stop that moaning... Telemetry is good, useful and anonymous. It is also the reason why vscode is so good. In few years people will forget Web storm. And let's be honest. How does Microsoft or anyone else care but you? You really think you're worth the target?

0xdonut profile image
Mr F. • Edited

Different strokes for different folks.

It's not about being a target. It's about a choice, I'm making one because it's available and I'm sharing it with anyone else who wants the same. This is not a moan, this is some information, how you perceive it is down to you.

euler2718 profile image
John Corley

Hmm.....what about Brave browser then?

roh_mish profile image
Rohan Mishra

To add to what Al said, anonymous telemetry is good. Projects like brave and VSCodium usually heavily depend on projects that are improved by anonymous telemetry. Now, some people might not be comfortable even with this but in all honesty people who use software for free and wont even provide crash reports and other general telemetry ARE leaching off people who do without giving back. VSCodium is great because it is VSCode but if it were a hard fork without ever pulling updates from upstream (MS VSCode) and decided to work on their own, I doubt it be able to keep up with them in terms of improvement without insights on how users are using the software and where are things faltering (assuming all other factors like userbase, effort, etc are equal).

cben profile image
Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin

I'm also OK with sending telemetry, I assume it helps the project. But I'd prefer to run only open-source binaries (out of FOSS purity), so I'm considering to switch.

devdrake0 profile image

But you never know what else the data could end up being used for in the hands of someone scrupulous

I read this as "in the hands of someone scrumptious" and got very confused for a couple of seconds :)

tracker1 profile image
Michael J. Ryan

Should be "unscrupulous" in the context. Someone scrupulous is honorable.

That said, you can see what is being collected, and how in the source code. Also, there's a lot of data with them just running the plugins repository, which you haven't and largely couldn't replicate.

devdrake0 profile image

Also, there's a lot of data with them just running the plugins repository, which you haven't and largely couldn't replicate.

You're responding to the wrong person

0xdonut profile image
Mr F. • Edited

😂😂 - or even sumptuous?

reld1980 profile image
Rómulo Lazarde

I installed codium three weeks ago and I had to disable telemetry. I was irritated about that.
anyhow, I am still using it.

And for those who claim to not care about giving your data away...

Cheers and stay safe and healthy

an4s911 profile image
Anas Basheer

Damn, thats a scary video. I've been thinking of dropping Google and other services that track my data. But I wasn't in such a pressure to do it as they do pretty well. But this video made me want to change it today. Its a pretty scary tech world right now.

kinghat profile image

you could probably just use the Settings Sync extension to move all extensions/settings/data over

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Looks like an interesting alternative! The reason I did it via command line is because I intend to plug the commands into my dotfiles

gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa • Edited

It's a choice for those who are pretty vested about tracking. I guess in my personal opinion for me at least that Microsoft has given the option to do so builds trust that they are not what they used to be ( Looking at you Ballmer ) and other than that is a great product. And having to run trough all these steps wouldn't be my cup.

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

I was and to a certain extent still am a complete advocate for privacy and security. I believe our data should stay our data unless we consent otherwise.

However, with this being said very few people are willing to commit to a life of complete online privacy. Try getting rid of all Google, Apple, Microsoft and all other big tech companies products. It's unfortunately just not feasible in the world we live in.

So, while I'd love to switch away to a product like this that respects my privacy more than the original, I feel like the pain points it'll introduce like delayed updates, possible bugs, less support and other issues stops me.

I do respect anyone who takes the pursuit for privacy seriously but the drop of convenience and productivity it often causes is to much for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Likewise. I use macOS and have jumped back and forth from various linux distros for the reasons you outlined.

I held off moving to VSCodium because Visual Studio Code was good enough with telemetry disabled. But I made the switch anyway and it's been pain free so far.

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

I'm currently using Pop OS (a version of Ubuntu) after moving from Windows 10 (because of privacy) but due to the lack of support for software like Adobe. (I do expect this for Linux due to the nature of it). But, I'm heavily debating a switch to MacOS for this reason but my main pain point is how much Apple charge for it.

I would move off VS Code but I've found if companies are going to take my data, I want something in return. This is why I'm not against using Google and its services. I might as well get a service off them for giving them my data.

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0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Unless you use something like freebsd, there is always a compromise to be made. I run my own wireguard vpn, use protonmail. But I also use a bunch of things just to get stuff done. It's just a case of taking control where feasible I guess.

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conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

That's exactly my mentality, I admit I could commit more. I could move off Gmail but to do so would be a lot of work and I'm not sure what I'd actually gain from it.

I love that the options exist and they definitely should but unfortunately I think the convenience these big companies offer to everyone outweighs people's desire to control their data. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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0xdonut profile image
Mr F.


digikaz profile image

Disabling telemetry does nothing, this option is fake and exist for sole purpose that it achieved in your case - to calm you down. Here is proof

roh_mish profile image
Rohan Mishra

well technically, it shouldn't pose any issue since your are using the same thing minus the telemetry.

That said, I personally would still stick to VS Code.

nikitarudenko profile image
Nikita Rudenko • Edited

I tried VSCodium before. It's absolutely the same as VSCode, it's true. But the reason I switched back to VSCode is that it has a better logo. Yeah, telemetry isn't an argument for me.

I found an interesting use case for VSCodium though. I set it up and use for Python only. VSCode is for frontend only.

vjee profile image
Jasper Van Gestel

Don't forget to add a \ between Application and Support in steps 2 and 5.
Otherwise the path will be incorrect and the cp and mv commands will fail.

Eg: ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/settings.json

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

thanks for pointing that out! updated

gerzah profile image
GerZah • Edited

I found the migration von VSCode to VSCodium to be the easiest (again on Mac) by symlinking

  • ~/vscode to ~/vscode-oss
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Code to ~/Library/Application Support/VSCodium

and be done with it: VSCode and VSCodium look and feel exactly identically, I didn't yet try to launch them concurrently at the same time.

… Oh, and I aliased code to be codium, so I won't accidentally fire up VSCode while VSCodium might be already running. — At the time of writing this, VSCode is still installed, but it might be gone rather sooner than later.

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Nice. It's been a while since I wrote this article. I may update it soon

rdewolff profile image
Rom • Edited

The main reason for doing that switch is ethical.

But there could be some other reasons. We have monitored the traffic of VSCode and it's literally sending traffic over the internet every minutes, back and forth, lots of data. That alone leads to some CPU usage, internet traffic and battery usage.

So if you want to have a more efficient setup, go green mind, and you don't want that Microsoft monitors all your keystrokes and work, go for VSCodium.

We are many that did the jump. Thanks to @0xdonut for the great work which make the jump even easier :)

rodperottoni profile image
Rodolfo Perottoni

People nowadays run from telemetry like they are some sort of billionaire philanthropist or even know stuff governments are after and I simply don’t get it.
You’re not that important, and whatever is it that you do isn’t valuable on its own. No one will be sitting at Microsoft talking about what one single person did when they opened VSCode on XYZ date because this is not how analytics data is used... so please save your time and just use whatever editor you’d like. You can run from telemetry as much as you’d like, but you’ll never be able to escape from it. If you use Github Microsoft already has all the data they want from you anyways, and guess what? there’s nothing you can do. So yeah... good luck trying to be anonymous.

nathilia_pierce profile image
Nathilia Pierce

I don't think a prompt to enable "anonymized" telemetry during the first setup would've been bad (defaulting to no).

And you don't have to be a target to simple not want your data being sent to a third-party. Our data is one of the most precious commodities of today, and yes - people really do care about your data. After all, Google makes millions off of yours.

All I'm saying, is that there is no reason people shouldn't have a choice. You'll never be 100% anonymous, but you can make the process hard and involved for someone to track you down and gather your information.

Power to the people, not the corporations.

magnusmaynard profile image
Magnus Maynard • Edited

Bare in mind the extensions you install might have their own telemetry, for example the cpp extension. And I don't think there is a way to turn their telemetry off :/

I have ended up firewalling vscode to completely block telemetry, but I wouldn't recommend it.

chialpha profile image
Chima Okwara

If you're on Linux, a better way to keep your extensions without having to reinstall them:

When removing vscode, use:
apt remove code

instead of purge.

Then, after installing codium, go to your terminal and do:
mv ~/.vscode/extensions/ ~/vscode-oss/extensions.

That worked for me.

instead of purge. Then, after installing codium, go to your terminal and enter this:

ln -s ~/.vscode/extensions ~/vscode-oss/extensions

or do:

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