In this part of the series, we're going to add the following features to the simulation:
- Marking the elites with a different color.
- Adding more obstacles
- Adding 'Reached' text to the screen
- Using crossover instead of replication
To color the elites differently, we're going to pass a boolean value to the draw
method of each dots whether is an elite or not. If a dot is an elite, it will be drawn with a different color.
First, let's start by adding the elites color to the Dot
This is a class attribute. We will be coloring the elites blue.
Next, update the draw
method of the Dot
class to use the color.
def draw(self, surface, is_elite=False):
if is_elite:, self.ELITES_COLOR, self.position, self.RADIUS)
elif self.alive:, self.LIVE_COLOR, self.position, self.RADIUS)
else:, self.DEAD_COLOR, self.position, self.RADIUS)
The draw
method will now first check whether a dot is an elite. This way, even if an elite dot is dead, its color will still be blue not gray.
Next, let's update the draw
method of the Population
class to tell which dot is an elite.
def draw(self, surface):
for dot in self.dots:
if dot in self.elites:
dot.draw(surface, True)
The method will now pass True
to dot.draw
if a dot is in the elites
list of the population class. Else, nothing will be passed and the default value (False
) will be used for the is_elite
argument of the dot.draw
In the first generation, the elites list will be empty and therefore no dot will be marked as an elite.
Run the program and wait the second generation to see your elites. If your value of ELITISM
is still 15, then there are going to be 15 blue colored dots in the second generation. And remember, the elites are from the previous generation without any modification, no mutation, no nothing.
The next milestone is to add more obstacles. We're going move the Obstacle
and Goal
class to a different script and then import them. That way, the script will be kept clean. So now, create a new file and call it
Then move the Obstacle
and Goal
classes to the new script. We'll also need to import the required packages in the script.
import pygame as pg
class Obstacle:
COLOR = 'black'
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, pos='center'):
if pos == 'center':
x = x - width // 2
y = y - height // 2
self.rect = pg.Rect((x, y, width, height))
elif pos == 'right':
x = x - width
self.rect = pg.Rect((x, y, width, height))
elif pos == 'left':
self.rect = pg.Rect((x, y, width, height))
def draw(self, surface):
pg.draw.rect(surface, self.COLOR, self.rect)
def collides(self, dot):
return self.rect.collidepoint(dot.position)
class Goal(Obstacle):
COLOR = 'red'
Delete the goal
instance inside the main execution loop. Then in the script, add the following variables at the bottom.
Obstacle(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2, 400, 20),
is same as the deleted goal
variable. OBSTACLES0
is a list containing only the goal, so it will place only the goal in the screen and no any obstacle. OBSTACLES1
is the previous obstacle we used - a goal and one obstacle at the center. This way, we can keep creating more custom obstacles list.
But to use GOAL_SIZE
, and HEIGHT
, we also need them in the new script. Copying them will lead us to having two copies of the same variables in different scripts, and we don't want that. We can also just put all the global variables inside the script and then import it inside script to use them, but that violates the name of the script because the name suggests that we only have things related to obstacles inside the script. As a result, we're going to move the global variables to a new script called, and then import it in the script.
Create it and move the variables to it.
WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 600
POSITION = (WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT * 0.95)
Then import the constants script inside the script.
from constants import *
This will import everything inside the constants script. Make sure all the scripts are in the same folder.
Next, import the obstacles script inside script.
from obstacles import *
This will import everything inside the obstacles script including the imported constants.
Lastly, inside the main execution block, set obstacles
to any of the created obstacles list.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Window, clock, and font code here
obstacles = OBSTACLES0
population = Population(GOAL, POPULATION)
# for-loop and remaining code here
Note that Population(GOAL, POPULATION)
is using GOAL
not the previous goal
The block now uses the specified obstacles list created in as the list of obstacles to challenge the dots with. This way, we can easily change between obstacles lists without much modification to our script.
Run the program and if everything works fine you should see the simulation window with no obstacle inside, only the dots and the goal will be present.
To challenge the dots even more, add this obstacles lists to the obstacles script.
Obstacle(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT * 0.3, 400, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT * 0.7, 400, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH * 0.75, HEIGHT * 0.25, 100, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH * 0.75, HEIGHT * 0.75, 100, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH * 0.25, HEIGHT * 0.25, 100, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH * 0.25, HEIGHT * 0.75, 100, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2, 400, 20),
Obstacle(x, HEIGHT * y / 10, 50, 20, 'left')
for x in range(0, 600, 60) for y in range(2, 9, 1)
Obstacle(0, HEIGHT * 0.7, 400, 20, 'left'),
Obstacle(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2, 400, 20),
Obstacle(WIDTH, HEIGHT * 0.3, 400, 20, 'right'),
If you run the program with OBSTACLES4
, you won't see the goal because OBSTACLES4
is using a list comprehension to create its obstacles so we can't directly add GOAL
to the list. We can use OBSTACLES4.append(GOAL)
directly below OBSTACLES4
, but to make it even more easier so that each time we use comprehension we don't have to add an append line, we can check for the presence of GOAL
inside the obstalces list and add it if it is not there. Update the main execution block to do that.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Window, clock, and font code here
obstacles = OBSTACLES4
if GOAL not in obstacles:
population = Population(GOAL, POPULATION)
# for-loop and remaining code here
Now, rerun the program and everything should be fine.
It will be best if the program can show the number of dots that reached the target. This way, we can track whether the population is evolving or has stagnated. To do this, we'll add the Reached
text to the screen. The text will show the number of dots that reached the target in the previous generation. We'll start by modifying the generate_next_generation
method so that it also returns the number of dots that reach the target. Any dot that has its fitness score greater than or equals GOAL_REWARD
means that it has reached the goal.
def generate_next_generation(self):
new_population = []
best_dots = self.select_best_dots(MATING_POOL_SIZE)
best_dot = best_dots[0]
best_dot_moves = best_dot.move_idx
reached_goal_dots = 0
for _ in range(0, self.size - ELITISM):
# Previous code
for dot in self.dots:
if dot.get_fitness(self.goal) >= GOAL_REWARD:
reached_goal_dots += 1
for dot in best_dots[:ELITISM]:
# Previous code
return best_dot, best_dot_moves, reached_goal_dots
The method now counts and returns the number of dots that reached the goal.
Then update the main execution block to render the text.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Previous window, clock, font, obstacles code here
population = Population(GOAL, POPULATION)
reached_goal = 0
for i in range(GENERATIONS):
while population.alive():
# Previous code here
gen_text = font.render('Generation: ' + str(i), 1, 'black')
window.blit(gen_text, (10, 10))
alive_text = font.render('Alive: ' + str(alive), 1, 'black')
window.blit(alive_text, (10, gen_text.get_height() + 10))
reached_goal_text = font.render('Reached: ' + str(reached_goal), 1, 'black')
window.blit(reached_goal_text, (10, alive_text.get_height() * 2 + 10))
# Update the display
best, best_moves, reached_goal = population.generate_next_generation()
print('Generation', i, 'Best dot moves', best_moves, 'Reached Goal:', reached_goal)
Now, the block receives and renders the number of dots that have reached the target.
Run the program and you should see the new text.
Lastly, for part 2 of the series, we're going add the crossover operator to the Dot
class. We're going to look at a type of crossover operator called Single-point crossover. In single-point crossover, the two parents' chromosomes (i.e. list of direction vectors) is going to be splitted at a random position. And then the last parts will be swapped to produce two offsping.
The offspring will first follow the path of one parent and then later switch to the path of the other parent. And this is the essence of crossover - to combine the chromosomes of two parents aiming to create a better offspring.
Now let's add the crossover method to the Dot
def crossover(cls, parent1, parent2):
point = random.randrange(min(parent1.move_idx, parent2.move_idx))
offspring1_directions = []
offspring2_directions = []
offspring1 = Dot(offspring1_directions)
offspring2 = Dot(offspring2_directions)
return offspring1, offspring2
This method is a class method (@classmethod
) meaning it can be used directly using the class without an instance. The method starts by generating a random number between 0 and the smaller move_idx
of the parents. We're using the smaller value to avoid IndexError
The method then copies directions (genes) in the range 0-point
from parent1
into offspring1_directions
. It then copies directions (genes) in the range point
) from parent2
into offspring1_directions
. We're stopping at parent2.move_idx
to make sure the parent is only passing directions it followed to the offspring. This can be a little bit complicated, but imagine that parent2
's parent reached goal at its 100th move, and it passed these 100 moves to parent2
. But due to mutation, parent2
reached the goal at its 80th move. And since reaching the goal will kill it, this means that it has 20 unfollowed directions in its directions
list. Now, during crossover between parent1
and parent2
, if parent1
first passes its part to offspring1
, parent2
only needs to pass up to its 80th move (i.e. move_idx
). The remaining 20 are not required in the offspring because those are not followed by it. Not doing this will not break the program, but the dots will end up with directions not required in their chromosomes. This means storing what is not required in the computer's memory. Why all this? Just optimizing the optimization algorithm.
After creating the offspring's directions lists, the offspring are then created by initializing the Dot
class with the lists. The method finally returns two offspring.
Next, let's update the first for-loop of the generate_next_generation
method. And remember that replication produces only one child while crossover produces two.
for _ in range(0, self.size - ELITISM, 2):
parents = random.choices(best_dots, k = 2)
child1, child2 = Dot.crossover(*parents)
The loop now picks two parents at random from the mating pool, perform crossover, mutate the offspring, and then add them to the new_population
list. The loop now also runs for half the amount of offspring needed, due to the step
argument passed to the loop, this is because each iteration produces two offspring. Note how we call crossover
directly using the DOt
class because it is a class method.
You can now run the program even though there won't be any visible change.
Feel free to experiment with the code by adding new obstacles, changing parameters, or even modifying the fitness function. Share your results or insights from your experiments in the comments.
The full code up to this point with even more obstacles can be downloaded on GitHub.
In the next part of the blog, we'll:
- Add a save and load system
- Add a way to speed up the evolution
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