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Aditya Pratap Bhuyan

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Lambda Functions: A Simplified Guide for Modern Programming

Lambda Functions: A Simplified Guide for Modern Programming

3 min read
Understanding the Linux Filesystem, Root File System, and EXT File System

Understanding the Linux Filesystem, Root File System, and EXT File System

3 min read
Exploring Azure Service Fabric: A Comprehensive Guide to Microservices Architecture

Exploring Azure Service Fabric: A Comprehensive Guide to Microservices Architecture

3 min read
Implementing Multi-Region Deployment for High Availability in Azure

Implementing Multi-Region Deployment for High Availability in Azure

3 min read
Mastering Built-in Functions in Oracle SQL

Mastering Built-in Functions in Oracle SQL

3 min read
The Advantages of Compressed Data Centers: Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness

The Advantages of Compressed Data Centers: Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness

3 min read
Exploring the Necessity of Sub-7nm Processors: Software Optimizations vs. Hardware Upgrades

Exploring the Necessity of Sub-7nm Processors: Software Optimizations vs. Hardware Upgrades

2 min read
Introduction to Wickr and End-to-End Encryption

Introduction to Wickr and End-to-End Encryption

3 min read
Understanding Database Management Systems (DBMS): Definition and Functioning

Understanding Database Management Systems (DBMS): Definition and Functioning

3 min read
Understanding CISC and RISC Architectures in Modern Computing

Understanding CISC and RISC Architectures in Modern Computing

3 min read
Understanding Java Streams: Revolutionizing Data Processing

Understanding Java Streams: Revolutionizing Data Processing

3 min read
How does Node.js support RESTful API development?

How does Node.js support RESTful API development?

3 min read
Understanding Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Its Significance in Computer Science

Understanding Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Its Significance in Computer Science

3 min read
Understanding Stack as an Abstract Data Type

Understanding Stack as an Abstract Data Type

3 min read
Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Core CPUs in Modern Computing

Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Core CPUs in Modern Computing

3 min read
Key Differences Between Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning

Key Differences Between Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning

3 min read
How to Connect Java Database Connectivity with MySQL in Visual Studio Code on macOS

How to Connect Java Database Connectivity with MySQL in Visual Studio Code on macOS

3 min read
Why Choose a Relational Database Over NoSQL? A Detailed Analysis

Why Choose a Relational Database Over NoSQL? A Detailed Analysis

3 min read
Exploring Data Formats in WebSocket Communications

Exploring Data Formats in WebSocket Communications

3 min read
Exploring the Best Lightweight Desktop Environments for Ubuntu and Other Popular Linux Distributions

Exploring the Best Lightweight Desktop Environments for Ubuntu and Other Popular Linux Distributions

Comments 1
3 min read
Understanding Microservices vs. Monolithic Architectures: Benefits and Insights

Understanding Microservices vs. Monolithic Architectures: Benefits and Insights

3 min read
Introduction to Serverless Computing

Introduction to Serverless Computing

3 min read
The Essential Role of DevOps in Modern Software Development: Enhancing Collaboration and Efficiency

The Essential Role of DevOps in Modern Software Development: Enhancing Collaboration and Efficiency

3 min read
Understanding the Key Differences Between OLTP and OLAP Systems

Understanding the Key Differences Between OLTP and OLAP Systems

6 min read
Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Comprehensive Guide

7 min read
Recommended Deployment Method for Spring Boot Applications in a Production Environment

Recommended Deployment Method for Spring Boot Applications in a Production Environment

6 min read
The Essential Role of GPUs in Accelerating Deep Learning Applications

The Essential Role of GPUs in Accelerating Deep Learning Applications

3 min read
The Advantages and Disadvantages of EXT4 vs. EXT3 in Linux Systems

The Advantages and Disadvantages of EXT4 vs. EXT3 in Linux Systems

2 min read
Using Windows API Functions to Check for Subdirectory Presence in C++

Using Windows API Functions to Check for Subdirectory Presence in C++

Comments 1
3 min read
Practical Applications of RSA Encryption: Beyond Authentication and Digital Signatures

Practical Applications of RSA Encryption: Beyond Authentication and Digital Signatures

2 min read
My First Time Using Ubuntu: A Deep Dive into the User Experience

My First Time Using Ubuntu: A Deep Dive into the User Experience

3 min read
Git Best Practices: Enhancing Your Code Management

Git Best Practices: Enhancing Your Code Management

3 min read
Understanding CPU Performance Metrics

Understanding CPU Performance Metrics

3 min read
Writing Multi-threaded Applications in Java: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing Multi-threaded Applications in Java: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min read
The Importance of Separating Kernels and Userspace in Modern Computing Systems

The Importance of Separating Kernels and Userspace in Modern Computing Systems

3 min read
Exploring Free Alternatives to VMware Workstation for System Testing on Linux

Exploring Free Alternatives to VMware Workstation for System Testing on Linux

3 min read
Choosing the Right Programming Language for Low Latency Applications: Go vs. C++

Choosing the Right Programming Language for Low Latency Applications: Go vs. C++

3 min read
Understanding Multi-Core Utilization in Modern Applications

Understanding Multi-Core Utilization in Modern Applications

2 min read
Leveraging Microservices Architecture in Cloud Application Development

Leveraging Microservices Architecture in Cloud Application Development

3 min read
Understanding the Role of Git Tags in Version Control

Understanding the Role of Git Tags in Version Control

3 min read
Which Operating System Offers Better Hardware Compatibility: Windows or Linux?

Which Operating System Offers Better Hardware Compatibility: Windows or Linux?

3 min read
Understanding the Distinction Between Class and Object in Object-Oriented Programming

Understanding the Distinction Between Class and Object in Object-Oriented Programming

3 min read
How Reliable are Modern CPUs in Predicting Branches?

How Reliable are Modern CPUs in Predicting Branches?

3 min read
Exploring Programming Languages with Support for SIMD Instructions

Exploring Programming Languages with Support for SIMD Instructions

3 min read
Understanding Docker and Kubernetes: Key Differences and Complementary Uses in Cloud Environments

Understanding Docker and Kubernetes: Key Differences and Complementary Uses in Cloud Environments

3 min read
Understanding Multithreading: Inner Workings and Key Concepts

Understanding Multithreading: Inner Workings and Key Concepts

4 min read
Can MySQL Support 10000 of Concurrent Connections Without a Performance Collapse in Low-Conflict Scenarios Like TPC-C Testing?

Can MySQL Support 10000 of Concurrent Connections Without a Performance Collapse in Low-Conflict Scenarios Like TPC-C Testing?

7 min read
How the Operating System Manages Hardware Resources in a Complete System

How the Operating System Manages Hardware Resources in a Complete System

7 min read
The Purpose of Computer Processors (CPUs) and How Multiple Cores Improve Speed and Performance

The Purpose of Computer Processors (CPUs) and How Multiple Cores Improve Speed and Performance

7 min read
Using a Public Repository on GitHub for Personal Projects: A Complete Guide

Using a Public Repository on GitHub for Personal Projects: A Complete Guide

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7 min read
Maintaining Code Quality: Essential Concepts and Best Practices

Maintaining Code Quality: Essential Concepts and Best Practices

5 min read
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Multiple CPUs vs. a Single Large CPU in Parallel Computing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Multiple CPUs vs. a Single Large CPU in Parallel Computing

9 min read
Understanding AIOps: The Future of IT Operations

Understanding AIOps: The Future of IT Operations

8 min read
The Relationship Between Access Control, Authorization, and Authentication

The Relationship Between Access Control, Authorization, and Authentication

8 min read
The Evolution of Hardware vs. Software Speed: Analyzing the Growing Gap Over Time

The Evolution of Hardware vs. Software Speed: Analyzing the Growing Gap Over Time

7 min read
Implementing Continuous Testing in a CI/CD Pipeline: A Comprehensive Guide

Implementing Continuous Testing in a CI/CD Pipeline: A Comprehensive Guide

6 min read
Configuring a Load Balancer for Your Web Application: A Comprehensive Guide

Configuring a Load Balancer for Your Web Application: A Comprehensive Guide

5 min read
The Comprehensive Guide to Code Review vs. Pair Programming: Understanding Key Differences and Best Practices

The Comprehensive Guide to Code Review vs. Pair Programming: Understanding Key Differences and Best Practices

9 min read
The Most Effective Two-Factor Authentication Methods in 2024: Enhancing Security with Multi-Factor Authentication

The Most Effective Two-Factor Authentication Methods in 2024: Enhancing Security with Multi-Factor Authentication

7 min read
Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Architecture for Your Business

Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Architecture for Your Business

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10 min read