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Adrian Valenzuela

I love making stuff on the web, and teaching others what I have learned!

Location Arroyo Grande, CA Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Web Developer at Invoke Web Services

Custom shell function in .zshrc to search strings

Custom shell function in .zshrc to search strings

Comments 1
1 min read

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Authentication with Sorcery, RSpec, and Rails 7: Building a simple Rails CMS - Part 1

Authentication with Sorcery, RSpec, and Rails 7: Building a simple Rails CMS - Part 1

16 min read
Custom authentication flow with Sorcery gem, RSpec, and Rails 7 - Pt. 1

Custom authentication flow with Sorcery gem, RSpec, and Rails 7 - Pt. 1

4 min read
Setup RSpec on a fresh Rails 7 project

Setup RSpec on a fresh Rails 7 project

Comments 7
2 min read
Time Based Greeting With React And Bridgetown

Time Based Greeting With React And Bridgetown

Comments 2
4 min read