Hello fam ð!
This tutorial shows the easiest way to implement push notifications in flutter. Stick till then end for a better grasp at the concept!
It's 2024 and still most of these docs are quite confusing. Awesome Notifications package has an extremely well documented docs but all in one page. This makes it look like shit!
- Required Packages ðŠ
- Initialization ð€©
- Sending Notifications ðš
- Setup Firebase ð¥
- Sending Notifications ðïž
- Setup Notifications in background ð
Required Packages ðŠ
Initialization ð€©
In the main.dart
file, under the main
void, add the following codes -
import 'package:awesome_notifications/awesome_notifications.dart';
import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';
import './firebase_options.dart';
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp(
options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,
runApp(const App());
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.setAutoInitEnabled(true); // Enables the notifications automatically!
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.requestPermission(provisional: true); // Request the user for permissions of notifications
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken(); // The is used to get a token, specific for each user, generated by firebase
await AwesomeNotifications().initialize(null, [
channelKey: 'random_unique_key',
channelName: 'A name visible to the user',
channelDescription: 'Description',
This registers the channel along with the key with android system. Now you can use these channels, through the keys to send notifications to the users!
Sending Notifications ðš
Assuming that you have a basic knowledge of flutter (this tutorial isn't for you if you don't
), use these codes inside the initState
function of your homepage that is shown to the user after login!
import 'package:awesome_notifications/awesome_notifications.dart';
import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
AwesomeNotifications notifications = AwesomeNotifications();
void initState() {
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage event) async {
await notifications.createNotification(
content: NotificationContent(
id: 0, // Doesn't really matter that much
channelKey: 'key', // The unique key that you registered at the start
title: event.notification!.title!,
body: event.notification!.body!,
notificationLayout: NotificationLayout.BigPicture,
bigPicture: event.notification!.android!.imageUrl,
actionButtons: [
NotificationActionButton(key: '_', label: 'Ok', autoDismissible: true),
Setup Firebase ð¥
From the above code you can clearly derive that Firebase is needed for this project. So go ahead and add it! Then, come the most crucial part!
Under engage
section, goto messaging!
Sending Notifications ðïž
It's your first time, so click on create a new campaign! Fill it up like this.
This is how it will be shown on your device!
Setup Notifications in background ð
The above code only works if the app is open in the foreground and user is using it. It DOES NOT work if app is closed or even in background apps.
For that, there is a simple and quite an easy fix!
In the main.dart
file, add this ->
Future<void> backgroundNotificationHandler(RemoteMessage event) async {
await AwesomeNotifications().createNotification(
content: NotificationContent(
id: 0,
channelKey: 'key',
title: event.notification!.title!,
body: event.notification!.body!,
notificationLayout: NotificationLayout.BigPicture,
bigPicture: event.notification!.android!.imageUrl,
actionButtons: [
NotificationActionButton(key: '_', label: 'Ok', autoDismissible: true),
void main() {
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