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André Laugks
André Laugks

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Using nested annotations for key-value pairs in a custom annotation


In my article "Using a hashmap in a custom annotation" I explained how to use a HashMap in an annotation using an Enum Constant.

Nested annotations can also be used to map key-value pairs.

List of supported Types in Annotations


Two customs annotations are required. The first annotation (e.g. MapItem) containing a key-value pair and the second annotation (e.g. MapItems) containing a list of MapItem annotations.

Custom Annotation @MapItem

The annotation @MapItem represents a single key-value pair.

public @interface MapItem {

    String key();
    String value();
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Custom Annotation @MapItems

The annotation @MapItems defines a list of MapItem.

public @interface MapItems {

    MapItem[] items();
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Functional Test

The list of @MapItem annotations are set in the @MapItems annotation.

class ExampleDto {

    @MapItems(items = {
        @MapItem(key = "1", value = "MALE"),
        @MapItem(key = "2", value = "FEMALE"),
        @MapItem(key = "6", value = "DIVERS")
    public String salutation;
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The MapItemsTest tests the MapItems annotation. The test is done on the salutation field.

To demonstrate how the list of @MapItem can be used, I create a HashMap from @MapItem and compare it to an expected HashMap.

class MapItemsTest {

    void testMapItems() throws NoSuchFieldException {

        Field field = ExampleDto.class.getDeclaredField("salutation");

        MapItems annotation = field.getAnnotation(MapItems.class);

        Map<String, String> mappingItems = Arrays

            new HashMap<>() {{
                put("1", "MALE");
                put("2", "FEMALE");
                put("6", "DIVERS");
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It is a smart solution and easy to implement.


If the key-value pairs are to be used in a validator, for example, they must be fetched indirectly.

Full example

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