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Alexandre C.
Alexandre C.

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How to submit your Android application on Play Store


You should have at least one .aab file, which is production ready generated build.
You can take a look at this article if you want to learn how to generate a production ready build with React Native and EAS/Expo

Besides you should have an Google Developer Account

Create an app

When connecting to your Google Play Console dashboard you can click the Create App button

create app button

Then you must fill the required fields and accept the declarations

create app

Set up your app

This is the most important section, all sections must be filled

set up app

Privacy Policy

I recommend to use a privacy policy generator to handle your privacy policies. You can find one here which is free.

App Access

If your app has limited access such as authentication, protected screens you shoud provide instructions and account details that a Google member can use to test your app

app access


Check if yes or not your app contains advertising


Content ratings

Start answering the questions to determine the minimum age rating of your app. Remember that telling the thruth will speed up the reviewing process because your app will be tested entirely first

content ratings

Target audience and content

This section should be filled quickly if you correctly filled the ads and app access sections

News app

Just indicate if your app is a news app or not

news app

Covid-19 contact tracing and status app

Just indicate if your app involves in any way status about covid and contact tracing


Data safety

You should read carefully this section and answer according to your app specificity

data safety

Government apps

Just indicate if your app is developed by or on behalf of a government

government apps

Store settings

This section is where you can configure the global info of your app on the store such as app category and contact details

store settings

Main store listing

In this section you can fill all information that should be displayed on the Play Store such as app name, description, screenshots

main store listing

Release your app

This is the last required section where you can upload your .aab file, select countries and regions where you wish the app to be deployed, select group of testers and submit your app for review

release your app


Once your app has been reviewed it should be automatically available on Play Store, you will receive an email. It can take more than 2 days nowadays to review an Android app so be patient πŸ˜‰

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