Last week I mentioned I wanted to get myself at more conferences this year. And already I have 3 opportunities lined up. That’s amazing.Next to that, people in the iOS community are at it again in full force after the holidays. Lots of great stuff. I had tons of articles to go through. Enjoy this week’s links.
- Swift Playgrounds 4: Building a Text-to-speech App on iPad
- Swift computed properties can be tuples | Chris Wu
- Working Around Xcode and Continuous Integration Issues on Apple Silicon – eMpTy Theory
Some thoughts on Xcode Cloud – Oliver Binns
- Oliver on Twitter:
- Public-key cryptography with CryptoKit for iOS | iOS Development
- MetricKit - Getting Started - SwiftlyRush
- The future of server side Swift - The.Swift.Dev.
Tweet by @DonnyWals
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