
Cover image for AWS Digest nr. 2
Davide de Paolis for AWS Community Builders

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AWS Digest nr. 2

Guaranteed event ordering when using Amazon EventBridge as your Enterprise Service Bus

Another great post from Lee James Gilmore who continues his series about Serverless Architecture Layers and Serverless Domain Driven Design.

EventBrigde - Serverless DDD

Very long and very detailed, Absolutely a must read if you are building something complex that envolve communication about different services within a big organization.

Build a CQRS event store with Amazon DynamoDB

Speaking of DDD and Command query separation, this blog post from AWS give a good overview about how to build an application that uses CQRS and different DynamoDB tables ( to handle events, aggregates and materialised views).


The Cloud Skills Gap

Not really about AWS services and useful tips, but I found this article - written by Jeremy Daly - very interesting.

I’ve been working with AWS since 2009, back when there were just a few services. Today, Amazon has over 250 services, and I’d guess that I’m proficient with less than 10% of them, and even that might be an exaggeration.

Imposter Syndrome is always there to remind us how little we know, but remembering that even such a well-known serverless advocate, just scratched the surface of the appalling number of available services is somehow reassuring.

Aurora Serverless V2

And to conclude with something simpler, a video, rather than a mega post, about the new features of Aurora Serverless V2.

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