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Vadym Kazulkin for AWS Community Builders

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Data API for Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 with AWS SDK for Java - Part 1 Introduction and set up of the sample application


End of December 2023 AWS finally announced Data API for Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 and Amazon Aurora provisioned clusters and at the same time made the announcement that Aurora Serverless v1 will no longer be supported after December 31, 2024.
In this article series I'd like to dig deeper into the new Data API for Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 . In the first part we'll introduce this new Data API and set up the sample Aurora cluster and application to demonstrate its functionality.

What is Data API ?

The Data API is an intuitive, secure HTTPS API for running SQL queries against a relational database.

According to the documentation AWS has rebuilt the Data API for Aurora Serverless v2 and Aurora provisioned to operate at the scale and high availability levels required by our biggest customers. The following are some of the improvements:

  • Because the Data API now works with both Aurora Serverless v2 and provisioned instances, database failover is supported to provide high availability.
  • We have removed the 1,000 requests per second limit. The only factor that limits requests per second with the Data API for Aurora Serverless v2 and Aurora provisioned is the size of the database instance and therefore the available resources.
  • Although the Data API for Aurora Serverless v2 and Aurora provisioned has been initially launched on Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, support for Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition will soon follow.

Setting up sample application including Aurora cluster

For the purpose of the demonstration of the Data API I wrote the small application which I published in my GitHub account. Application basically has API Gateway in front Lambda which communicates with Aurora Serverless v2 PostgreSQL database via Data API to retrieve the product by id stored in the database.

Let's look into the infrastructure as a code part for which we use SAM.

This is how we setup Aurora Serverless v2 cluster:

    Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster'
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
      DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref DBClusterName
      Engine: aurora-postgresql
      EnableHttpEndpoint: true
      MasterUsername: !Join ['', ['{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref DBSecret, ':SecretString:username}}' ]]
      MasterUserPassword: !Join ['', ['{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref DBSecret, ':SecretString:password}}' ]]
      DatabaseName: !Ref DatabaseName
        MinCapacity: 0.5
        MaxCapacity: 1
        Ref: DBSubnetGroup
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We use aurora-postgres as a database engine. With EnableHttpEndpoint equals to true we enable the usage of the Data API. For the sake of saving cost we start with 0.5 ACUs and can only scale up to 1.

Here we also see the reference to the AWS Secret Manager where we store database user and generated password.

    Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret
      Name: !Ref UserSecret
      Description: RDS database auto-generated user password
        SecretStringTemplate: !Sub '{"username": "${DBMasterUserName}"}'
        GenerateStringKey: "password"
        PasswordLength: 30
        ExcludeCharacters: '"@/\'

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This is the part to set up the Aurora V2 Database Instance:

    Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance'
      Engine: aurora-postgresql
      DBInstanceClass: db.serverless
      DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref AuroraServerlessV2Cluster
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DBInstanceClass equals to db.serverless means the we use Aurora Serverless.

In order to make this work for you, please delete the default subnets in the parameter area (see the code snippet below) of the SAM template and you will be required to enter your subnets

    Type: CommaDelimitedList  
    Default: subnet-0787be4d, subnet-88dc46e0
    Description: The list of SubnetIds, for at least two Availability Zones in the
      region in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
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We aso have our Lambda function called GetProductByIdViaAuroraServerlessV2DataApiLambda which needs the permissions to communicate via Data API and also access the secret manager (which is required to communicate via Data API).

        - Version: '2012-10-17' # Policy Document
            - Effect: Allow
                - rds-data:*
                 !Sub arn:aws:rds:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:cluster:${DBClusterName}
            - Effect: Allow
                - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
                !Ref DBSecret
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Instead if giving Lambda access to do everything with Data API via

Effect: Allow
   - rds-data:*
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we can define more fine granular permissions like:

- rds-data:BatchExecuteStatement
- rds-data:BeginTransaction
- rds-data:CommitTransaction
- rds-data:ExecuteStatement
- rds-data:RollbackTransaction
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We also pass some parameters like Aurora Cluster ARN and Secret Manager ARN via the environment variable.

After we deploy the SAM template which should see our Aurora V2 Cluster and Serverless database instance up and running.

Image description

In the "Connectivity & Security" Tab of the Aurora V2 Cluster we can check, whether RDS Data API has been enabled as intended.

Image description

We can use Query Editor in the RDS console

Image description

to connect to the Aurora Cluster via Data API with a Secrets Manager ARN.

Image description

Let's create there the products table

CREATE TABLE tbl_product (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    price decimal NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)    

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and insert some random products with id 1 to 50 like this:

INSERT INTO tbl_product (id, name, price)
VALUES (1, 'Photobook A3', 52.19); 
INSERT INTO tbl_product (id, name, price)
VALUES (50, 'Calender A5', 43.65); 
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Now you can make the call via API Gateway with ${YOUR_GENERATED_API_GATEWAY_URL}/products/{id}

to retrieve those products.


In this part of the series, we introduced new Data API for Aurora Serverless v2 and set up the sample application which has API Gateway in front Lambda which communicates with Aurora Serverless v2 PostgreSQL database via Data API to retrieve the product by id stored in the database. In the next part we'll dive deeper into the new Data API for Aurora Serverless v2 itself and its capabilities for executing SQL statements and will use AWS SDK for Java (of course) for it.

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