Welcome 2025 & cheers to New Beginnings !!
There are amazing & remarkable success in Cloud innovations with architecture designs being the base foundation of those unbelievable achievements. Design enhancements, efficient service selection comes with knowledge, experience & expertise in the domain and above all, vision & need of any Business
Here in this post, I am opening a multi part series of design solutions to requirements & how it got improvised with time & knowledge
Let us see Part 1
Given scenario is a minimal illustration of one of the use cases. Requirement is to notify the admin/team when there is no tag in an EC2 resource.
To simplify
- Create an event bridge rule to check for any EC2 instances in the account
- Create a lambda function to check a given Tag/Value in EC2 instances
- Create an SNS topic and group/team email id to notify when tag/value doesn't exists
- Now when event bridge rules(with cron scheduler) assess the EC2 Instance(s), irrespective of the state(RUNNING or STOPPED) and if lambda function doesn't find the Tag Value[Project:Team or Tag:Value, as applicable]
- Lambda has to trigger SNS email notification to the group id
Solution Design for this scenario:
Benefits around this solution:
- Checks resources at defined periodic intervals, in an automated way
- EC2 is aimed for monitoring to Tags' existence via a schedule
- Lambda function will check for defined Tag/Value as expected
- Teams/Admins are notified even when resource(ec2) are created w/o tags or even if tag/values are removed at a later point in time, as well
In conclusion, this is an automated solution using AWS services efficiently
People who are having urge to suggest better & more efficient ways to do this, hold onto that thought and we will get there in the upcoming series !!
Top comments (1)
Good simple process, I'll hold to my suggestions. Can't wait for your updates!