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Tawo Wilmer Busa
Tawo Wilmer Busa

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How to Create a Resume and Deploy it on GitHub

What Is GitHub?
Before we get into the rest of the details for including GitHub on your resume, let us discuss some basics of what it is in brief. GitHub is in a way a social platform for developers to collaborate on projects. It is a place where like-minded developers communicate and collaborate on various projects at the same time. In other words, it is a file or code-sharing service and is a highly used software used for version control.

For instance, if a team wants to create a website and every individual needs to simultaneously update their codes then they can create a centralized repository where everyone can upload, edit, and manage the code files. Therefore Github can be considered as a common channel wherein like-minded professionals can collaborate and work on projects at the same time.
To create a sample resume and deploy it on GitHub Pages, the following steps are required:
Step 1: Create the HTML Resume File
Writing your resume in HTML; Open any text editor (e.g., VS Code, Notepad++ or Sublime Text).

  • Create a file named index.html and add the following sample code:

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  • Save the File: Save the file as index.html in a folder named resume-project.

Step 2: Push the Code to GitHub

  • Go to GitHub and sign in to your account

  • Click on the + icon and select new repository on the dropdown

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  • Name your repository (e.g., busa-wilmer-resume)
  • Choose Public repository.
  • Check the box to Add a README file

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  • Click Create repository

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Step 3: Set Up Your Resume with Gitbash and Push to GitHub

  • Download and install Gitbash from and choose either for macOS, windows, or Linux

  • Run these command git config --global to register/configure the user and the email

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  • To confirm if the command has successfully been listed: Run the command git config --list

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  • Add a directory for the repository and run the command mkdir "name of directory"

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  • Navigate to the directory and run the command cd "name of directory"

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  • Initialize a Git repository and run the command "git init"

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  • Create an index.html file and run the command "touch index.html"

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  • Launch the file on index.html and run the command "vim index.html"

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  • Copy and paste the resume on html format from your VS Code, Notepad++ or Sublime Text

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  • To save and quit "vim index.html" command at the same time, run the command :wq and hit Enter.

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Step 4: Connect to GitHub

  • Go to Github click on code drop down and copy the HTTPS url link

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  • Run the HTTPS url link you copied with the command "git remote add origin"

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  • Proceed by adding your index.html file with the command "git add index.html"

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  • Run the command git commit -m "commit"

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Step 5: Deploy on GitHub Pages

  • Go to your GitHub repository
  • Click on Settings
  • Scroll down to Pages
  • Under Branch, select main or master
  • Click Save

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  • Wait a few minutes for GitHub Pages to deploy your site

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By following these steps, you can successfully create and host a professional resume on GitHub Pages.

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