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Tawo Wilmer Busa
Tawo Wilmer Busa

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How to Create a VM Data Disk, Initialize it and make it usable in Microsoft Azure

An Azure VM Data Disk is a managed disk that provides additional storage for a Virtual Machine (VM) in Microsoft Azure. It is separate from the OS disk and is used to store application data, databases and other files.
In this article, we will be looking at step-by-step guidelines on how to add data disk and initialize it to make it usable on Azure VM.
Guideline on How to Add a Data Disk to a Windows Virtual Machine through the Azure Portal
Step 1: Create and Attach a Data Disk

Search for Virtual Machine in the search bar and select

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  • Click on "Virtual Machines" and select the VM where you want to add a data disk

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  • Add or create a new resource group

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  • Choose a virtual machine name, region and availability zone

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  • Choose the image (OS) and size of the virtual machine

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  • Create a username and password

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  • Inbound port roles

Public inbound ports: click on Allow selected ports
Select inbound ports: select HTTP (80)

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  • Licensing

Click on tick mark(✓)
Click on Next:Disks >

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On the disks section leave as default

  • Go to the Monitoring to disable the boot diagnostic

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  • Go to Tag

Give it a name and value

click on Review + create

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  • Go to Review + create_ and click create

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  • Deployment in progress

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Step 2: Create Data Disk

  • Click on the Go to Resource

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  • On the overview go to settings
  • Click settings, then select disks
  • On Data disks page, click on + create and attach new disk

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  • On the LUN: Choose disk name, storage type, and size
  • Click on apply

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  • Data Disks Created

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Step 3: Initialize and Format the Data Disk

  • Click on connect
  • Click on select and wait for the validation till it is configured

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  • Click on Download RDP file

  • Connect to the VM: Use Remote Desktop (RDP) to connect to your Windows VM.

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  • Open Disk Management: Press Win + X and select Disk Management (or type diskmgmt.msc in the search box and press Enter)

  • On Disk Management Click on create and format hard disk partitions

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  • Right-click on the unallocated space of the new disk. Select New Simple Volume

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  • Follow the wizard to assign a drive letter and format the disk Click Next

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On the specify volume size use the default and click on next

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On the assign drive path click on next

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On the format partition give it a name on the volume label and click on next

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Now Click on Finish to complete the process

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Notice that the new disk is now showing Healthy and no longer unallocated.

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This will be the end of our learning on Understanding how to attach new data disks to a Windows virtual machine through the Azure portal. With Azure, you can easily expand your VM’s capacity by adding more data disks or resizing existing ones to meet the demands of your workloads. I hope you had an informative learning journey on this topic.

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