Azure App Services provides the platform to build and deploy web, mobile, or integration applications. We can build robust cloud-native apps that can scale as per the need and with complex architecture and secure connections for any platform or device without worrying about the Virtual machine that will host. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps of creating an App Service application in the Azure Portal and uploading code to it.
🔑 Prerequisites:
- An Azure Subscription (Free or Paid)
- Azure Resource Group
- Web App Content (HTML, ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP, or any app files)
- Azure CLI (Optional for automation)
Step 1: Create an App Service using Azure Portal
Sign in to Azure Portal 👉 Go to:
Navigate to App Service
Search for App Services in the search bar
Configure the App Service
Click + Create then click on +web app to start the setup process
- Fill Basic Information
Subscription: Select your Azure subscription
Resource Group: Create a new resource group or select an existing one
- Name: Unique App Name (e.g., mywebapp123)
- Runtime Stack: Choose your platform (.NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, etc.)
- Region: Choose the nearest region
- App Service Plan
Select an existing App Service Plan or create a new one
Choose the pricing tier based on your app’s needs (e.g., Free, Basic, Standard, Premium)
Then click on create and review
- click on create
- Click on Go to resource to open the App Service overview page
Step 2: Upload Content to App Service
- On the Resource overview page search for advanced tools then click on advanced tools
- Click on GO
Note, when click on Go it will redirect to a new page kudu+
- Click Debug console then on the drop down click on CMD
- Click on site
- Click on wwwroot
- On the hostingstart.html page click on the pencil like sign
- Copy and paste your web code and click Save
Ensure your code is ready for deployment
- Go back to the app service resource group and click on Default domain link
We have successfully created an Azure App Service application and uploaded a simple Bank App code. Azure App Service is a powerful platform for hosting web apps, and you may configure your app's settings, scale it, and combine it with other Azure services as necessary.
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