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ZhiHong Chua
ZhiHong Chua

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Frontend Fundamentals 5/20

1. Describe the difference between <script>, <script async> and <script defer>

🚨 Recall which one is for critical scripts and which is for auxiliary (ads etc).

2. Debounce

Revisting GFE, I understand the need to pass the context of this via function.apply. But exactly how and why, I'm still not sure. Perhaps I need to do... Leetcode's Debounce.

Ok nevermind, seems it's more watered-down without needing to pass context like this.

3. Todo List and setState good.

4. Promise.all

Re-tried this a few days later and it's super easy! Guess I got a better hang of Promises.

5. Holy Grail

🚨 quite good, but can be cleaner in code, more responsive design

6. Throttle

Bonus Question! This was easy after having solved for debounce. But there are some subtleties I still don't understand.

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