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Charlie Say
Charlie Say

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Are you or are you not worried about ChatGPT and its capabilities?

With ChatGPT-4's release just around the corner and its rumoured capabilities - are you worried about it and your future as developers?

If so why?

Top comments (1)

whippetcode profile image

Hmmm. I'd say I'm on the fence. It can be massively helpful, it can also be confidently wrong.
I kind of have a love/hate relationship with copilot. I love how quickly it can frame out things for me but then I have to dig around for ages when it doesn't quite work how I need it to. Then on the other hand when writing up docs and reqs, it's a dream.
I'd say I tend to go to it now more than StackOverflow, simply as it's more "up to date".
Outside of code, it's going to be interesting. I feel we're at the stage we where when google search first became the thing. We had to learn how to maximise our results. The same is true of Open AI. Use it as a tool to get you closer to what you need, not as the creator of the final thing.