In this blog, we’ll guide you through deploying a FastAPI application to Render, a cloud platform designed for easy and scalable web hosting.
**Render —
**Render provides an easy and seamless platform for deploying web applications and services.
It’s similar to other cloud platforms, but it simplifies the deployment process and makes it more accessible to developers.
Whether you’re deploying a web service, a background worker, or a database, Render offers an intuitive user interface and automatic scaling.
Before we start, make sure you have the following —
FastAPI application — *If you don’t have an existing FastAPI project, or if you’d like, you can match the configuration of the * *and *** global variable configuration using ***pydantic_settings ***setting with the our existing FastAPI app provided in the blog tutorial.
GitHub repository for your FastAPI app (Render will deploy your app from your repository).
Once project configuration is okay as given , push the all code into your GitHub account.
3. Render account — If you don’t have one, create a free account on Render.
Now we ready to go —
After creation , we have to visit your render account dashboard and have to click into Deploy a web service.
Then you can select you Github repository and provide project name.
Here our project name is deployment and can provide language & its version however its detect automatically.
pip install -r requirements.txt
We would be also provide few command which install required package for FastAPI app.
uvicorn main:app --host --port 10000
The command uvicorn main:app --host --port 10000 does the following —
uvicorn— Starts the Uvicorn ASGI server to run your FastAPI app.
main:app — Specifies the FastAPI app to run. main is the filename (, and app is the FastAPI instance inside that file.
--host— Makes the app accessible externally by binding it to all available network interfaces.
--port 10000 — Sets the port number to 10000 for the app to listen on.
If you’re just starting out, you can choose the free deployment option, which provides 1 CPU initially. However, it later scales down to 0.5 CPU, which may cause slower API responses and reduced performance.
Here, we are selecting the free version and providing all environment variables that we include in the .env file. Currently, we only have one environment variable, DATABASE_URL, which we've configured.
Now we have done almost everything just once it all configuration is done you can verified all once again and click on deploy web service.
Finally, our FastAPI app has been successfully deployed. After deployment, a live instance link will be generated at the top, allowing you to check your app’s live instance.
**Conclusion — **Deploying a FastAPI application to Render is a straightforward and efficient process. With just a few configuration steps, you can easily go from development to a live, scalable web service.
Render’s seamless deployment system ensures that your application is up and running in no time, allowing you to focus on building and improving your project.
GitHub repo :
Live URL :
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