In this blog, we’ll guide you through deploying a FastAPI application to Vercel, a cloud platform designed for fast and serverless web hosting.
Vercel —
Vercel provides an easy and seamless platform for deploying web applications and APIs with minimal configuration.
It’s optimized for serverless functions, making it an excellent choice for hosting FastAPI without worrying about infrastructure.
Whether you’re deploying a simple API or a complex backend service, Vercel offers automatic scaling, global CDN, and quick deployments.
Before we start, make sure you have the following —
FastAPI application — *If you don’t have an existing FastAPI project, or if you’d like, you can match the configuration of the * *and *** global variable configuration meanly ***pydantic_settings with the our existing ***FastAPI in the blog tutorial.
GitHub repository for your FastAPI app (Vercel will deploy your app from your repository).
Once project configuration is okay as given, now we need to add a file **vercel.json **in root file.
"builds": [
"src": "",
"use": "@vercel/python"
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": ""
Push the all code into your GitHub account.
3. Vercel account — If you don’t have one, create a free account on Vercel.
Now we ready to go —
- Configured .env variable & Repository selection for deployment —
Once got is pushed into GitHub now we have to visit at vercel account and updated the .env variable as we have a env variables DATABASE_URL.
Now we have to select the our repository for deployment as given below.
2. Deployment —
Our chosen repository is vercel-deployment. Now, click the Deploy button to initiate the deployment process.
3. Access the deployment dashboard.
Finally we have deployed the FastAPI into vercel after click on below continue to dashboard another dashboard deployment open.
As we can access the deployed instance into deployed dashboard as attached below.
***GitHub —***
Vercel deployed link :
Conclusion— Deploying FastAPI on Vercel is a quick and efficient way to make your application live.
With just a few steps — selecting a repository, configuring settings, and clicking Deploy — your FastAPI app can be up and running with ease.
Vercel’s seamless deployment process, automatic scaling, and built-in CI/CD make it a great choice for hosting lightweight APIs.
Now, your FastAPI project is ready to serve users globally with minimal effort.
Your appreciation or feedback on this insight would be greatly valued, whether it’s a small follow up or leaving a note.
And connect with me on* X handler*** for the tech insights.
Looking forward to engaging with you!**
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