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Mykhailo Toporkov πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Mykhailo Toporkov πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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Interview Questions for Web Developer - Git

Possible questions

1. What is GIT and why do we need it?
Git is a distributed version control system designed to track changes in source code during software development. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project simultaneously, tracks changes made to files, facilitates branching and merging, and provides a history of revisions. Git helps maintain a consistent codebase, enables teamwork, provides a backup of code, and aids in tracking changes over time, ensuring better code management and project coordination.

2. What basic Git commands do you know and how to use them?

  • git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. Use git init to start version controlling your project.

  • git clone [repository URL]: Copies an existing Git repository from a remote location to your local machine. Use git clone followed by the repository URL to clone a repository.

  • git add [file]: Adds changes in a file to the staging area for the next commit. Use git add [file] to stage specific files or git add . to stage all changes.

  • git commit -m "[commit message]": Records changes to the repository with a descriptive commit message. Use git commit -m "[message]" to commit staged changes.

  • git status: Displays the current status of the working directory, showing changes that are staged, unstaged, or untracked.

  • git pull: Fetches changes from a remote repository and integrates them into the current branch. Use git pull to update your local repository with changes from the remote repository.

  • git push: Uploads local branch commits to the remote repository. Use git push to push committed changes to the remote repository.

  • git branch: Lists, creates, or deletes branches in the repository. Use git branch to see existing branches, git branch [branch-name] to create a new branch, or git branch -d [branch-name] to delete a branch.

  • git checkout: Switches between branches or restores files in the working directory to a specific commit. Use git checkout [branch-name] to switch branches or git checkout [commit-hash] [file] to restore a file to a specific commit.

3. What is the difference between git merge and git rebase?
The main difference between git merge and git rebase lies in how they integrate changes from one branch into another:

  • git merge: Integrates changes by creating a new commit that combines the changes of the specified branch into the current branch. This results in a linear history and preserves the commit history of both branches.

  • git rebase: Integrates changes by moving the entire branch to the tip of the specified branch, applying each commit on top of the destination branch. This results in a cleaner, linear history but can alter the commit history and potentially cause conflicts if used on shared branches.

In essence, git merge retains the original branch structure and creates a merge commit, while git rebase rewrites the commit history to incorporate changes more seamlessly but can lead to a cleaner and linear history. Use git merge for preserving branch history and git rebase for a cleaner commit history when working on feature branches.

4. What is a commit in Git and how to form it correctly?
In Git, a commit represents a snapshot of changes made to files in a repository at a specific point in time. It records the changes and includes a commit message that describes the purpose or context of the changes.

The most common approach for commit messages is to use conventional commit messages e.g.

feat: add new feature
fix: resolve issue with function
docs: update documentation
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5. How to use tags in Git?
In Git, tags are used to mark specific points in the commit history, such as releases, milestones, or significant versions. They provide a way to reference and label specific commits for easier identification.
To use tags in Git:
Creating a tag:

  • Use git tag [tag_name] to create a lightweight tag pointing to the current commit.

  • For annotated tags with additional information like a message, use git tag -a [tag_name] -m "Tag message".

Pushing tags to remote:

  • To push a single tag to the remote repository, use git push origin [tag_name].

  • To push all tags at once, use git push origin --tags.

Viewing tags:

  • To list all tags, use git tag.

  • To see details of a specific tag, use git show [tag_name].

6. What is a merge conflict and how to resolve it?
A merge conflict in Git occurs when there are conflicting changes in the same part of a file or between different branches being merged. Git cannot automatically determine which changes to accept, resulting in a conflict that requires manual resolution. To resolve a merge conflict:

  • Use git status to identify files with conflicts.

  • Open the conflicted files in your code editor.

  • Locate and manually resolve the conflicting sections marked by Git, keeping the desired changes.

  • After resolving conflicts, add the modified files using git add [file].

  • Complete the merge process by committing the changes with git commit, leaving a descriptive commit message about the conflict resolution.

  • Finally, complete the merge with git merge --continue or git rebase --continue if you were in the middle of a rebase.

Resolving merge conflicts involves understanding the conflicting changes, manually adjusting the code to incorporate desired modifications, and then committing the resolved changes to finalize the merge process.

7. What are the best practices for working with remote repositories?

Some best practices for working with remote repositories in Git include:

  • Frequent Pulls and Pushes: Regularly pull changes from the remote repository (git pull) to keep your local copy up-to-date. Similarly, push your commits (git push) to the remote repository to share your changes and collaborate effectively.

  • Descriptive Commit Messages: Write clear and descriptive commit messages to communicate the purpose and context of your changes to collaborators.

  • Branch Management: Use branches for new features, bug fixes, or experiments. Push branches to the remote repository to facilitate collaboration and review before merging into the main branch.

  • Consistent Branch Naming: Adopt a consistent branch naming convention, such as using prefixes like feature/, bugfix/, or hotfix/ to organize and categorize branches.

  • Review and Pull Request: Before merging changes, initiate pull requests or code reviews in the remote repository to ensure quality, discuss modifications, and receive feedback from team members.

  • Use SSH Keys or HTTPS Authentication: Authenticate securely with the remote repository using SSH keys or HTTPS to ensure proper access control and security.

  • Regular Backups: Regularly back up your work by pushing to remote repositories, reducing the risk of losing changes and ensuring a secure backup of your codebase.

8. How to use the .gitignore file?
The .gitignore file is used in Git to specify intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. It helps prevent files or directories from being committed to the repository.

# Ignore log files

# Ignore node_modules directory

# Ignore .env file with sensitive information

# Ignore files in a specific directory

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9. How to revert a commit in the local repository?

  • Identify the Commit to Revert:
    Find the commit hash of the commit you want to revert. You can use git log to view the commit history and copy the commit hash.

  • Revert the Commit:
    Use git revert [commit_hash] to create a new commit that undoes the changes made in the specified commit. For example:

git revert abcdef12345  # Replace 'abcdef12345' with the actual commit hash
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  • Push the Revert (if needed): If you want to share the reverted changes with others, push the revert commit to the remote repository using git push.
git push origin <branch_name>
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10. How to revert a commit in the remote repository?

  • Identify the Commit to Revert: Find the commit hash of the commit you want to revert. Use git log to view the commit history and copy the commit hash.

  • Reset the Branch: Use git reset --hard HEAD~1 to move the branch pointer back to the previous commit (replace HEAD~1 with the appropriate number of commits you want to revert). For example, to revert the last commit:

git reset --hard HEAD~1
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  • Push the Changes (if needed): If the changes have already been pushed to the remote repository and you've rewritten history using git reset, you might need to force push the changes to the remote branch using:
git push origin <branch_name> --force
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Be extremely cautious when force pushing as it can overwrite changes on the remote branch and cause problems for other collaborators. Only force push if you're certain it won't impact others.

11. How maintain conventional commits in a repo?
The easiest way to maintain is to setup pre-commit hook that will runs every time you make a commit. There are specific libs for it, my preferred is Husky. With it, you may define a rule like this below to check a commit message text:

red=$(tput setaf 1) # ANSI escape code for red color
reset=$(tput sgr0)  # ANSI escape code to reset color

#Get commit message
commit_msg=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)

#Commit message check
if ! echo "$commit_msg" | grep -qE "^(feat|fix|chore|docs|test|style|refactor|perf|build|ci|revert)(\(.+?\))?:? .{1,}$
"; then
    echo "${red}Error${reset}: Invalid commit format, try: feat(feature): description." >&2
    exit 1

if [ ${#commit_msg} -gt 88 ]; then
    echo "${red}Error${reset}: Invalid commit length. Your commit message is too long." >&2
    exit 1
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