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Cover image for GitHub Universe 2022
Sarah Kasier
Sarah Kasier

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GitHub Universe 2022

I cannot believe it's almost time for GitHub Universe 2022!! It has been super fun working with the GitHub Codespaces team and the QIR Alliance to prepare for the event, and I'm so excited to be able to share what I have been up to.

tl;dr: You can develop for and with quantum computers from your tablet on the beach 😎

Bold claim, I know, but I will show you in my Community Stage session Quantum development with Codespaces on Thursday Nov 10 from 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM. The demo I put together will show you an example of how the QIR alliance is using tools like Codespaces, Python and Jupyter Notebooks to build the infrastructure for quantum computing. The QIR alliance is a Linux Foundation project that helps develop the specifications for the compilers, front-ends, and hardware that make quantum devices work.

I'll be posting during the event on Mastodon, and make sure to check back here for my notes on the event as well as some more fun experiments with Python and Codespaces πŸπŸ’–

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