Outpatient joint arthroplasty is a potential modality for increased case throughput and is rising in demand. However, we are aware of no study that has compared outcomes between risk-matched outpatient and inpatient procedures within the last 7 years. The aims of this study were to compare matched patient cohorts who underwent outpatient or inpatient joint arthroplasty in terms of 30-day adverse events and readmission rates.
From the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database, we identified patients who underwent primary total hip arthroplasty (THA), primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), and primary unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) from 2009 to 2018. Using 10 perioperative variables, patients who underwent an outpatient procedure were 14 propensity score-matched with patients who underwent an inpatient procedure. The rates of 30-day adverse events and readmission were compared using the McNemar test. The risk factors for adverse events and readmissions were identified using multivariainpatient counterparts. Although multiple factors should guide the decision for the site of care, outpatient arthroplasty may be a safe alternative to inpatient arthroplasty.
Therapeutic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Therapeutic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Transfusion of citrated blood products may worsen resuscitation-induced hypocalcemia and trauma outcomes, suggesting the need for protocolized early calcium replacement in major trauma. Bcl 2 inhibitor However, the dynamics of ionized calcium during hemostatic resuscitation of severe injury are not well studied. We determined the frequency of hypocalcemia and quantified the association between the first measured ionized calcium concentration [iCa] and calcium administration early during hemostatic resuscitation and in-hospital mortality.
We performed a retrospective cohort study of all admissions to our regional level 1 trauma center who (1) were ≥15 years old; (2) presented from scene of injury; (3) were admitted between October 2016 and September 2018; and (4) had a Massive Transfusion Protocol activation. They also (1) received blood products during transport or during the first 3 hours of in-hospital care (1st3h) of trauma center care and (2) had at least one [iCa] recorded in that time. Demographic, injury severity,but specific treatment protocols must await better understanding of calcium physiology in acute injury.
Benign bone tumors are common incidental findings in the pediatric population during radiographic evaluation. Counseling these patients requires reassurance and raises questions about the natural history of these tumors over time. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and observe the behavior of benign childhood bone tumors in an asymptomatic population.
A historical, longitudinal radiographic collection of healthy children was reviewed, which included comprehensive left-sided radiographs of the extremities at yearly intervals. In this study, 262 subjects with 25,555 radiographs were screened for benign bone tumors at a median age of 8 years (range, 0 to 18 years). All potential tumors were reviewed by a multidisciplinary panel, which confirmed the radiographic diagnosis of each lesion, the age at which the lesion first appeared, and the age at which it had resolved. Prevalence rates were calculated using the number of distinct subjects available for each radiographic location and age.
udinal radiographs allowed observation of the timing of the first appearance and the potential for resolution for each tumor type. These findings provide unique evidence to answer many commonly encountered questions when counseling patients and their families on benign bone tumors.
Prognostic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Prognostic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.Many individuals with Alzheimer disease and related dementias receive care from family members and friends. Rurality adds increased complexity to care, especially for diverse caregivers. This study details the development and content validation process for a community assessment survey for rural white, Latinx, and American Indian/Alaska Native Alzheimer disease and related dementias caregivers. Foundational survey items were based upon instruments validated with diverse rural caregivers. A modified Delphi process (2 rounds) was used to refine items. The process concluded when 75%+ of experts agreed that the survey was (1) inclusive of different cultural groups; (2) respectful of cultural values and norms; (3) comprehensive with respect to needs, assets, and resources, and (4) relevant to the experiences of diverse rural caregivers. Round 1 of the process (N = 9 panelists) resulted in the elimination of 2 survey sections, a greater focus on issues including transportation and roles of extended family members, and the inclusion of open-ended questions. Round 2 (N = 6 panelists) resulted in further improvements, particularly to the sections about cultural customs, beliefs, and traditions and interactions with health care and other providers. Benefits of the process included raising awareness about rural caregiving issues and maximizing data quality. Challenges included honoring the diversity of respondents' opinions and balancing research rigor with community utility. This community assessment survey may help researchers better understand the needs and culturally-based strengths of diverse rural family caregivers.Children's health indicators such as mortality and adverse birth outcomes are poorer in the United States than in comparable nations. These measures also show racial inequities within the United States, with Black children experiencing the highest levels. Mass incarceration may partially explain these findings. High incarceration rates can disrupt community functioning, influencing behavior and health. The purpose of the current study was to conduct a macro (state)-level analysis examining whether yearly state incarceration rates predict health outcomes including infant, child, and teen mortality as well as preterm birth and low birth weight. It was hypothesized that prior year incarceration rates would show positive relationships with all outcomes and that relationships would be stronger for Black than for white children. Yearly state-level panel data were gathered from 1990 to 2017. Weighted least squares regression used states' prior year incarceration rates to predict child health outcomes, using controls for overall state effects and year-to-year effects.Bcl 2 inhibitor
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