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Christopher Wray
Christopher Wray

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A Little Background

A couple of weeks ago, I was rejected for a job at my dream company.

Gif of me being sad

Me crying after I got the second rejection email from the same company.

Through that process, I realized I really want a full-time position with a company.

Before that, I had been casually applying for jobs, but never really gave it my all.

After being rejected, I decided I was going to go for it, and start working to get hired at a larger company, where I could collaborate with a team and hone in my skills in either Software Development or Customer Service, which are two things that I do at my agency that I truly enjoy.

With that decision, I decided to start work on my personal portfolio.

Me working hard

Working hard on my personal portfolio.

Up until now, the only portfolio I have had is my agency website, Soltech, and the projects I have built and code I have featured in my Github.

It isn’t really a great way of advertising myself, so now I am starting the work of building my portfolio.

Since my portfolio is going to showcase a variety of skills and interests, I decided that the best thing that I can do is document the process of building my portfolio in a series of blog posts.

This is the first one!

Look out for more blogs to come.

Top comments (9)

scottsawyer profile image
Scott Sawyer

I am going through a similar experience. After running an agency for 15 years, i am closing shop (thanks, 2020) and looking for full time employment. My agency site is not really the best place to send potential employers wanting to see examples of my work. Fortunately, it was built with Drupal, so i am using JSON API to pull my projects into Nuxt (partially because i think this will show potential employers some versatility). It's been a fun experience, except figuring out all the server stuff. Have you shared your portfolio site? I'd love to see how it came out.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Hey Scott!
Good luck!!

Yes, my website is now live at

You can also fork the GitHub repo to see how I did the data.

I’m sure there are better ways to do what I did now but it was a good learning experience. πŸ€“

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

You can also fork the backend which is also in my GitHub to see how the CMS is set up and how I am pulling in the data from the API that way.

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scottsawyer profile image
Scott Sawyer

Sweet. Here is my portfolio. I just got NGINX to work the way I want.

Here is my repo

I did the axios set up a bit differently, I am pulling the content from Drupal in the store. It was pretty fun, but at times frustrating.

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cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Scott! This is amazing! Wonderful work. I'm so impressed.

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scottsawyer profile image
Scott Sawyer

Thank you, though i wouldn't call it "amazing", i am pretty happy with it. Still not sure if i have Nuxt "right", I can't seem to get the meta descriptions to be recognized, and that youtube embed is flakey.

Btw, i really like your design motif, really clean.

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cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray • Edited

Hey Scott, I saw the site initially on mobile, and I thought the design was great! The containers may need a little constraining so they don't go too wide on larger screens. For that I would just add a max-width property in the CSS on the class that they all have.

I used Vue Meta for the meta descriptions, and had a little issues as well until I realized that the hid and name attribute should be just description, not the meta description itself. The nuxt docs weren't really clear about that.

Here is where I got the docs:

You can also check out the pages/index.vue file in my portfolio repo to see how my meta info is set up.

The meta is at the very bottom of the file.

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scottsawyer profile image
Scott Sawyer

That was it! Thank you!

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cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

That's great! Let me know if I can help more.