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Deepak Yadav
Deepak Yadav

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Your views on: Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap

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Everyone is confused between Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS, me too 🙂🙂.

let's Decide together in Comment section ✍️👇

Top comments (2)

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

IMHO Bootstrap is a great choice when developing a quick prototype or diving into web dev without too much time to allocate on the UI

TailwindCSS on the other hand enforces some standards such as utility-first for example, but it also come with a handy toolbox (theming, CSS purge, etc.). I think it is a great tool for styling, that requires a bit more practice than Bootstrap since its learning curve might be a bit steep at the beginning (just long enough to be familiar with the main keywords)

Howether, having used Bulma, Bootstrap, raw CSS and TaiwlindCSS, I do agree with @shshank: once used, most users (that I read about) are not going back to something else.

shshank profile image

I personally prefer tailwindcss, it gives you more control. Tough both are great options, but once you are comfortable writing in tailwindcss, I don't think there is any way back.