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Cover image for JS: Finally discover how to Hide and Show elements

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JS: Finally discover how to Hide and Show elements

Hello World! New episode of the series - A CSS/JS trick in 5 minutes - Last Article was about a CSS background that can really change your websites.
Today I want to explain you a Javascript trick: How to hide and show elements.

Check this!

We have a special property to change visibility of an element. Set visibility. We just have to call The property is supported in all browsers.

Show = "visible"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visible is the default property.

Hide = "hidden"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Other values = "visible|hidden|collapse|initial|inherit"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Parentheses about Display property:

You might get confused about visibility:hidden and display:none.

The visibility property allows the author to show or hide an element. It is similar to the display property. However, the difference is that if you set display:none, it hides the entire element, while visibility:hidden means that the contents of the element will be invisible, but the element stays in its original position and size. W3school

Display specifies how an element should be displayed, visibility makes an element hidden. Visibility will not affect the layout (so I recommend you to use it most of the time)

We have a lot of different display values, full list on w3school.

Also, I have to add, with "display: none" the element is still present in the DOM, with that if you set a button or a href link to "display: none" is still clickable even if it is not visible.
Thanks to @aspiiire 🔥 for telling me.

Hope this helped and thanks for reading!

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Top comments (8)

aspiiire profile image

Cool article, I would add that with "display: none" the element is still present in the DOM, with that I mean that if you set a button or a href link to "display: none" is still clickable even if it is not visible. 🙂

devlorenzo profile image

Thanks! I mentioned you in the article.

aspiiire profile image

Thank you so much DevLorenzo 😀

mafee6 profile image

Use = "none"

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

I see some people using left:-9999px;.

devlorenzo profile image

And I don't see where the problem is 🙃

sinisimattia profile image
Mattia Sinisi

I love how short and to the point your articles are

devlorenzo profile image
DevLorenzo • Edited

Thanks! This series has the rule of never exceeding 20 lines of code. I try to respect it almost always.