DEV Community

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Software Developer who is learning more languages and skills

Location capetown western cape Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


Makumbe Mission School


junior dev

The Importance of Financial Education and Taking Action

The Importance of Financial Education and Taking Action

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3 min read

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The Journey to Financial Freedom: Lessons from Felix

The Journey to Financial Freedom: Lessons from Felix

3 min read
Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Professional Success

Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Professional Success

3 min read
Have you ever struggled to understand how data flows through your React application? Prop drilling can be a culprit.

Have you ever struggled to understand how data flows through your React application? Prop drilling can be a culprit.

Comments 2
3 min read
Four ways to solve the "Remote Origin Already Exists" error.

Four ways to solve the "Remote Origin Already Exists" error.

3 min read
Debugging Code Effectively

Debugging Code Effectively

1 min read