Mike Druzhinin - Testing in Production and the Serverless Edge
Our guest for tonight is Mike Druzhinin - Software Development Manager at Amazon.com and a Program Committee Member of the great DevOops conference.
Mike took a short break from keeping Amazon up and running through the COVID-19 online shopping craze to talk to us about love, DevOps A-HA and the future.
Mike talks about the how playfulness makes IT so loveable. And how the best place to play with IT is the production environment.
We then peek into the future and there's a lot of excitement and some paranoia lurking on the edge of the cloud.
Listen to the episode to learn :
- Where kids in Soviet Russia learned about computers from
- Why testing in production is the best thing since sliced bread
- What dangers and opportunities lie at the serverless edge
## Short Notes:
- Professor Fortran's Encyclopaedia - the legendary Soviet computer book for kids
- Testing in Production - the Hard Parts (a great post by Cindy Sridharan)