Welcome to another riveting episode of 'DevOps with Zack'! In this episode, I have a special guest, Suzana, who is making waves in the tech community of New Zealand with her remarkable contributions. Suzana joins me to share her incredible journey.
Suzana is an AWS User Group Leader in New Zealand, an AWS Community Builder, a certified AWS Cloud Practitioner and the Auckland AWS Tools and Programming meetup group organiser. She is also a FullStack Dev Group Auckland NZ and Cloud Native Auckland co-organiser. Suzana graduated as a Full Stack developer in New Zealand after her 40s, having no previous tech background. She also has a bachelor's in Communications with over 20 years of experience from Brazil. Passionate for both areas, Software Development and Communications, she actively uses her skills to increase the number of women, minorities and under-represented groups in tech, help graduates and juniors excel in their careers and support projects focused on the tech community's growth.
- The article about the challenge of starting: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7110487710972203008/
- Suzana's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzanamelomoraes/