image created by Margaux Peltat for the Chilled Cow YouTube channel
Time for #DEVDiscuss — right here on DEV 😎

Announcing the Linode + DEV Hackathon!
Brian Bethencourt for The DEV Team ・ Jan 24 '23
Inspired by our freshly announced Linode + DEV Hackathon, tonight’s topic is...well, the Hackathon! Check out the post above to learn all about how to participate 😁
- Have you worked with Linode before?
- Which category sounds the most interesting to you?
- Smooth Shifters: Awarded to the team whose app shows the most seamless and successful migration to Linode’s platform.
- EdgeWorker Experts: Awarded to the team that demonstrates the most innovative and effective use of Linode’s EdgeWorkers service.
- SaaS Superstars: Awarded to the team whose app shows the greatest potential for success as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product or money-making venture.
- Integration Innovators: Awarded to the team whose app shows the best integration with other services offered by Linode, such as managed databases or object storage.
- Wacky Wildcard: Awarded to the team whose project is particularly creative, unusual, or outside-the-box. With this category, we are looking for some truly silly and/or fun submissions. Feel free to dream big and ridiculously — and utilize any offering that Linode offers.
- Any tips for first-time hackathoners?
Top comments (2)
First-time hackerthoner
I have never worked with linode
I went through the site and saw that it had to do with cloud deployments and kubernetes, sadly I am really inexperienced in that field
Wacky Wildcard
Even if I were to contest I won't be able to contest with the other categories, the only place I stand a chance is to create an unusual outside the box project
From a first-time hackerthoner
I would strongly advice reading about other peoples projects before going ahead with your own, it is also advisable to work with a team
That being said, any one who would like to have me in their team can hit me up ❤️
Any info regarding the winners.