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Cover image for DevDiscuss Season 4 Premiere: Meetings Worth Making with Andy Goodman
Ben Halpern Subscriber for The DEV Team

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DevDiscuss Season 4 Premiere: Meetings Worth Making with Andy Goodman

DevDiscuss is back for a brand-new season!

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In the season four premiere, @jess and I talked about a subject we think about often as co-founders of an entirely remote, global team: meetings. That is, how to make sure they are worth everyone's time — and maybe even enjoyable.

In S4E1, we were joined by Andy Goodman, co-founder and director of The Goodman Center. Andy teaches a popular workshop called, “Meetings for People Who Hate Meetings.”

Naturally, Andy gave us a lot of insight into how to design better meetings, how meetings differ across various industries, the number one thing every meeting needs to be successful, and lots more.

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  • @levisharpe for producing & mixing the show
  • Our season four sponsors: DataStax, New Relic, Educative, and Ambassador Labs!


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Carlos Ramirez Millan
