DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v253
Sloan the DEV Moderator for The DEV Team

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Welcome Thread - v253

"hello" in blue

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. If you are new to coding, want to help beginners in their programming journey, or just want another awesome place to connect with fellow developers, check out the CodeNewbie Org!

Top comments (219)

princeodee profile image

Hi everyone I'm prince by name
I'm trying to do my best to become
Good developer, at first it was very hard for me because I don't really get the code but now I'm getting it gradually, and I think i can do my best and I will really need each and everyone of you to educate me in this field as well thanks

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV, Prince. It will take time to get it just keep studying and coding.

sammar profile image
abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun

Hello, Prince. Welcome to the dev community. We are glad to have you here. 😊

You have taken a great step towards becoming a good developer. Learning to code can be challenging, but also rewarding and fun. You are not alone in this journey. There are many resources and people who can help you along the way

princeodee profile image

Thanks bro. 🙏

Thread Thread
sammar profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
henrik1969 profile image
Henrik Sørensen • Edited

One thing I have learned by writing a lot of code is that it is VERY important to

  • 1) Embrace errors. They often teach you way more than any examples. Read through the error messages and try to understand why the code failed.
  • 2) Play with the code. Studies have showed that you learn at a factor 10 by playing than by cramming. It goes for almost all subjects Math, Chemistry, Physics, Baking, cooking and coding ;)
  • 3) Read a lot (and I mean a lot) of code. By seeing how others create code, you often get inspired and might learn a trick or two :)
  • 4) Sometimes just put in the example and make it work. Then try to understand it. Sometimes its easier to understand by actually running it and see what it does than trying to figure it out beforehand.
  • 5) Learn how to systematically debug. All coders make errors along the way and if you meet one that says they do not. They are either a wizard from the other realms or a liar.
  • 6) Get to know your debugger everyone needs it from time to time.
  • 7) If your code fails. Try something simpler, then build from there.
  • 8) Keep thing simple (one function -> one responsibility)
  • 9) Keep things in a logical structure (Refactor things out of long functions if you can) I know some people that writes functions that are as long as a literary work. OMG they might work but try debugging such a monster.
  • 10) Understand concepts and algorithms (When you get to write larger pieces of code O(2^n) and O(exp(n) actually gets painful).
  • 11) Have a plan. It is very difficult to build a house if you don't have some kind of building plan. This goes at all levels. Learn about pre and post conditions. And most of all. Simply crack on. Everyone started at NOOB it is because they have gone through hours and hours of coding, failing, debugging, redefining the plan, reimplementing, failing, debugging again, reredefining the plan over and over that they got where they are :) Happy coding
pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! Nice to have you here! 🙏

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
princeodee profile image

Yeah thanks and God Bless

Thread Thread
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
sammar profile image
sammar profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
carlson profile image

Are you employed now? Can you start working with me immediately?

princeodee profile image

Sure I can how do we go and where are you from

ikejijustice profile image


sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

To learn more about writing on DEV, check out our Best Practices for Writing on DEV series. 😀

tuturado profile image
Alef de Paula • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is Alef, I'm 25 years old and I'm Brazilian.
I am completing my degree in Computer Science and am currently an intern at an American multinational.
Looking for junior developer opportunities. If you want to talk or find out more, connect with me on LinkedIn:

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Alef! Welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on your degree in Computer Science!

tuturado profile image
Alef de Paula


kaamkiya profile image

Hi Alef! Welcome to the DEV community! Hope you find a great job :)

martinkr profile image
Martin Krause

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the!

I'm Martin, and I worked as a Senior Front End Architect and Engineering Manager at one of the world's largest digital agencies, where I led Front End Teams for international projects. After 15 years, I quit my job. Now I travel the world as a professional scuba diver, work as a freelance Front End Tech Lead and technical Recruiter for international clients. Besides that, I write about technology.

My latest book about Modern Full Stack development will be published in the beginning of next year by No Stach Press. It's an easy, hands-on introduction to creating web applications with Next.js, MongoDB and Mongoose (there's currently a 25% Discount!). You can read more about how to become a published author in my upcoming article about writing books.

I am mentoring fellow developers on another platform as well as on I am currently publishing the "LevelUp: Elevate your Career Today" series where I give Career and Interview advice based on my experience as Engineering Manager and Technical Recruiter. (It's bascially free mentoring, don't tell my paying mentees about that :D)

If I have enough time, I write more in-depth articles, for example how to create multi-language pages with next export, which is on GitHub:next-export-i18n and npmjs: next-export-i18n

I recommend following the general tags webdev, vscode , career and productivity and javascript, react, CSS. Head over to your Dashboard and adjust the tag weight to personalize your home feed.

Here's a list of articles to start your journey as a successful developer and a great writer:

If you are looking for your next job, I highly recommend buying the Book De-Coding the Technical Interview Process by Emma Bostian. It is hands down the best preparation for every technical interview.

If you're interested in my articles, follow me on or

If you have questions or want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me on

And remember to start posting today!


kojot profile image

Hi all, I am Joshua from Nigeria, a graduate of computer science from the University of Benin. An IT technician/ Senior Transas IT technician with some front-end skills currently delving into the world of security. Almost done with the Google cyber security course.
Looking to work on more projects as a cybersecurity analyst and looking for internship roles to build my skills. Be happy for a buzz, thanks.

abbeycity500 profile image
Arowolo Wahab Abiodun

Hello and welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on learning cyber security

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕


kojot profile image

very many thanks Arowolo

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Joshua from Nigeria! Welcome to the community! Cybersecurity analyst sounds awesome, best of luck with your course!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome on DEV!

kojot profile image

very many thanks Anita

mlhacks profile image
Major League Hacking (MLH) • Edited

Hey folks, Fiona from Major League Hacking (MLH) here! If you want to build your tech skills, join a global community of student developers, and partake in events like hackathons - MLH is for you! Sign up for events and start getting access to our resources (all free) on our website ➡️

If you search MLH on Dev, you'll find a lot of information about our programs from other new developers!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome MLH on DEV!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid • Edited

hello everyone,
This is muhammad jamshaid , i am new here.
I reached here through openAI, i was searching for a good platform to improve and learn new thing.
Now a days i am learning REACT from Udemy.
Also i am freelancer on UPWORK .

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Thanks Chris.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! ✋

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Hi pawel,

sagaofsilence profile image

Probably you would find the following links useful:

React Resources

Codux - Visual IDE for React

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Muhammad Jamshaid, welcome to the community! You have come to the right place! I hope you will like it here!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome here!

mjamshaidkhan profile image
Muhammad Jamshaid

Thanks Anita

ivanzanev profile image
Ivan Zanev

Hi everyone. My name is Ivan. I am a 33-year old full-stack PHP web developer from Sofia, Bulgaria. Mastodon.Social brought me here. I see some great information and people. Looking for job opportunities as well.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Welcome Ivan! ✨

ivanzanev profile image
Ivan Zanev

Thanks :)

kaamkiya profile image

Hi Ivan! Hope you find a nice job soon. Welcome to the DEV community!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, Ivan and welcome to the DEV community!

emmjayp profile image
Michael Pollaci

Hi all!
I am an entrepreneur who loves to help people solve problems. I am not a dev (unless you consider html5 and CSS dev work! 🤣). I am a branding and marketing guy who has partnered with a great dev and a great admin to form Flusso Software.

With Flusso Software the team wants to help people with software ideas stop wasting countless hours and thousands of dollars navigating the pitfalls of software development without ever knowing if their idea is even worth investing in. We want to guide them through and around the pitfalls, so they save time, save money, and bring their great software ideas to market.

We do it the way we do because we know when you guide people with empathy and integrity you have an opportunity to change their lives.

I am here to learn some insights about the industry so I can create authoritative content to share with the world and hopefully make the industry just a little bit better.

Michael :-)

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! ✋✋✋

emmjayp profile image
Michael Pollaci

Hello back...

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community! Best wishes on learning Rust. I have no knowledge of Rust but I am positive you can do it! Also I hope you will like it here!

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! Nice to have you here! 🙏🙏🙏

ksaini9 profile image
Karan Saini

Hey folks, I am Karan. I work as a Software developer in Canada. Happy to join this community. Looking forward to learn from amazing people in this community and hoping to share my knowledge as well.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi Karan, much welcome to the community! Working as a software developer sounds awesome, how is it like?

ksaini9 profile image
Karan Saini

Hi Anita, it's great for the most part. My job mostly involves building web applications, which is fun.

stephenj93 profile image

Hi all! I'm Stephen, from the UK. Long story short, I used work as a Software Developer in the early 2010s, but then health difficulties forced me to quit my job and spend the last 4 years exploring ways to heal myself. I am now wanting to get back into Software Development though and restart my career.

I am looking for ways to update my knowledge and get back in the field. My previous experience was mainly working as a full-stack developer, using ASP.NET MVC C#, with SQL and entity framework behind the scenes. I was predominantly coding in front-end languages though, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. If anyone has any suggestions on what to research and dive into in order to update myself, I would be most grateful!

Many thanks and best wishes,

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello, Stephen from the UK! I am sorry to hear about your journey but awesome that you are coming back into Software Development! I wish you the best of luck!

stephenj93 profile image

Thank you 😊

sagaofsilence profile image
Sachin • Edited

Welcome Prince into the world of programming! Programming is all about problem solving. All it takes is mathematical thinking in disguise - think logically and break down problems into smaller, manageable pieces. And less about programming languages, tools and syntax.

As explained in How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem-solving. Problem-solving means the ability to formulate problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately. As it turns out, the process of learning to program is an excellent opportunity to practice problem-solving skills. That’s why this chapter is called, The Way of the program.

Last but not least, coding is just the tip of the iceberg. So don't get lost in the woods of codes. There are so many roles to perform in software development. Find your gem.

All the best!

marcallington profile image
Marc • Edited

Hi there, great to be here, and hopefully I'll be able to contribute some content about my personal projects. I'm currently building a personal website, and spending my free time understanding precisely what it takes to create fast websites, covering caching, Cloudflare settings, kv/redis, lighthouse performance score intricacies, GPT integration for workflow and personal assistants and more. I'm also creating a local community site for those living and working in Colchester.

It's early days for my personal website, but I've already started investigating what works best to engage my readers, such as adding polls and quizzes for the curious. I know the world is moving towards short-form content and I want to add features that automatically repurpose content such as 15-second videos, threads, tweets/Xs, social posts etc.

All in all, I code by day, and then spend my evenings and weekends coding - it's a passion that I've had all my life and still enjoy it as much today as I did when I started.

I do wonder where AI will take us all in this disciplined tradecraft, but so far it's been tremendously useful.

Nice to meet you all, and if you are a coder and live in the Colchester area then make sure you say hi! And if not then say hi anyway!

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hello! So great to have you here Marc! 🙏🙏🙏

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi! Welcome to the DEV community. What an awesome introduction you made! It sounds to me like you will be making some real cool websites! We are lucky to have you. I hope you will like it here!

isitizzet profile image
James Ohlhausen

Hello Everyone! I used to do competitive coding in Highschool, took some college classes and stepped away to build a career, now I'm in classes to finish up my coding and make a career jump! been building a fun little project before class, I hope I'm able to make it a little open source for people to use after I learn more!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

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