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Gracie Gregory (she/her) for The DEV Team

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What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week — what was something you're proud of?

All wins count — big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy 😄

Happy Friday!


Top comments (44)

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I feel that my ability to focus is coming back.

Whenever I'm anxious or feel overwhelmed my focus gets wrecked and it goes without saying that the last couple of months have been particularly rough.

Yesterday however I had a solid afternoon of deep, focused work and it felt great!

I'm being more mindful of my distractions and feeling more resistant to the grappling hook of social media. It feels like a huge win.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I love this!

My focus was starting to feel very thin recently and then I took a week off during our company mental health vacation. I really feel like the break reset my ability to focus. Great feeling.

Congrats on gaining some resistance to the "grappling hook of social media" (great description) — that's a goal of mine!

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Thanks, Gracie! It is an ongoing battle really.

Breaks help sooo much, especially if you're close to nature and far, far away from technology. I miss that a lot.

jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

After my last blog post, I decided to bring a little more structure in my content strategy. I changed my posting cadence from weekly to twice a month. And I'm setting deadlines on when to publish. It was all getting too much and not having deadlines meant I kept pushing off writing. It's not a huge win, but feeling much less stressed about it now!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

As a content manager, I see this as a HUGE win!

junlow profile image

Spoke on an alumni panel for the first time about my professional journey after bootcamp! I wish this will helps others well as they kick off what proved to be some of the most impactful (and FUN) years of my life!

estruyf profile image
Elio Struyf

One thing I'm really happy about is my small sticker business which is finally starting to take off. Not yet in rocket speed, but sometimes slow is not a bad thing. Allows you to keep focus, and room to grow.

With starting a new business, it always takes time to learn new things. Like how to go to market, get your brand known to others, and so on. The fun part is that it lets you step out of your comfort zone.

What is special about this week? We won two small deals with a conference and company that wanted to get stickers for their events.

Besides the sticker business, another win was a great idea that suddenly popped up in my head for a new product. Pitched it at a couple of colleagues, and they were very excited. Over the next weeks, I can start working on a small POC to see if it would work the same way how I imagine it.

recursivefaults profile image
Ryan Latta • Edited

I decided to get off my butt and do something.

I'm preparing to launch my first online class for developers who wanna use their resume to get more interviews and negotiate higher pay.

Oh, a podcast I was interviewed on went live this past week. Like all of them, I listened to the first few seconds, screeched at the sound of my own voice, and erased its existence from my mind. I'm told this is a normal reaction. This one was about the major choices I made that shaped my career in software.

Here it is if you are interested

hrishio profile image
Hrishi Mittal

I spent a lot of time this week trying to help new developers get their first job. I made my Get Your First Developer Job course available for free (there’s a link in the listings section if you’re interested).

I recorded a really fun call with Daniel Sprague, a recent developer bootcamp graduate who is having trouble finding a job.

Daniel showed me his portfolio website and a really cool capstone project (Siqbeets), and walked me through the code. You can watch it here.

kayis profile image

Was invited to another podcast. 🤖

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I got to use some things I learned from my side project at work 🎉 I also gained some insight into polyfills and the benefit of using Babel and wrote a small post 👇🏽

themafro profile image
Matthew Francis

I reached Affiliate on Twitch 🎮

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


themafro profile image
Matthew Francis


snehacodes profile image
Sneha Jalukar

I published my first post on DEV!

I've been reading posts and learning a lot from the community these last few months - and I finally decided to hit "publish" on a blog post about "Getting started with React".

chethanagopinath profile image
Chethana Gopinath

I am in grad school and was always intimidated by hackathons. I just worked on my first hackathon, sort of gave up at first but came back and demoed my half project somehow. :) It was a good feeling, may get stickers from MLH.

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt • Edited

I’m job hunting, teaching myself development, and juggling my kiddo’s online-based school schedule, but I think I’ve managed to find a good balance for everything as of this week. I’m getting in around 35-40 hours a week in coding and studying, while being able to (mostly) keep up with everything else. That feels like a win. :)

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

I have two, resulting from two fantastic meetings yesterday!

  1. Finally connected with an awesome female entrepreneur who, like me, is interested in furthering sex positivity and making sex tech safer and less sleazy, and had an excellent discussion about how it takes not just better products or increasing cultural awareness, but both. While our product ideas may not be a co-founder fit, they could easily lead to a product partnership.
  2. Met a founder who not only wants to explore bringing me into the fold on a product (unlike the first, "safe for work") which aligns with one of my own product visions, but is referring me to non-technical founder friends to explore helping with their products, AND is connecting me with people in the podcast space because he heard from our mutual contact about my idea of using the medium for the cultural awareness aspect of point 1. I'm joining his founders' group Zoom for another meeting tonight, so more opportunities, at the very least, to exchange ideas and network.
dchhitarka profile image
Deepak Chhitarka

My biggest win was getting my blog live. It's my first project which is live 😂 and so it's very special for me. I would love to get your feedback on it.

kaleman15 profile image
Kevin Alemán

Wrote a new type of article. I was used to large articles with deep explanations. This is a more relaxed way of writing and I'm proud of it.

Check it out here, it's about Node.JS!